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Everything posted by L.Lawliet

  1. we are looking for breakers actually :D
  2. High Salary! What we are looking for: Proffesors Breakers Clown/Gypsy Champions Gunslinger Soul Linker Priest High Wizards Requirements: 1.You must attend WoE always. 2.You need to be: Active , Loyal ,Geared(atleast: King set) 3.Cooperation 4.Always Follow the plans. If you want to join, comment or pm us ingame. -Xavier- or Alexander Baxter
  3. no theres not anyways i just suggest that they give us something after we donate the item like somekind of tokens.. support me!http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25559
  4. Like if you donate 10 bucks, you get 2 "special tokens" which you can trade for tix (your choice what ever it is like speed,storms,sunligh)... or you can save it and get some kind of special gear or weapon... Cos im still thinking that donating here in fro is not worth it... I just dont think its fair. donator and non donator is too ballance atleast give us like 5%... thanks..
  5. I believe Kishimoto took the Onmyōdō as inspiration in writing the Uzumaki Clan and theOnmyōji Abe no Seimei as inspirations for Naruto, The Uzumakis and Rikudou Sennin, they may not be exact copies of each other but they have many similarities: The Onmyōdō literally translates as "The Way of Yin and Yang" is an occult system that is an amalgamation of Shintoism, Buddhism and Taoism. Rikudou Sennin had such mastery over the Yin–Yang Release that he used Yin to make his dreams take form, and then used Yang to make his fantasies real. He could even make them come to life. The Onmyōji were the practitioners of Onmyōdō, The Onmyōji were specialists in magic and divination. Their court responsibilities ranged from tasks such as keeping track of the calendar, to mystical duties such as divination and protection of the capital from evil spirits. They could divine auspicious or harmful influences in the earth, and were instrumental in the moving of capitals. The main powers of the Onmyōji are the exorcism and warding off of evil spirits, andcommanding the Shikigami (Kami-like spirits) Just like the Uzumaki technique which summons the Shinigami: Shiki Fuujin Like the Shiki Fuujin, the Shikigami is summoned through a complex mystical ritual, and like the Shiki Fuujin, the Onmyōji's life and spiritual force is connected to the "Shiki" if the summoner is careless, his shikigami may get out of control in time, gaining its own will and consciousness. In this case the shikigami will raid its own master and kill him in revenge. The Shiki Fuujin in Naruto however kills the caster automatically: The powers of the Onmyōjis over demons and spirits are very similar to the Uzumaki's Fuuinjutsus Rikudou Sennin who is probably an Uzumaki himself vanished the most powerful demon in Narutoverse: The Juubi The Onmyōjis were said to possess extremely long lives and good health like the most famous Onmyōji Abe no Seimei Like the Uzumakis who were said to possess extremely long lives and vitality/chakra The most famous Onmyōji Abe no Seimei, is the son of the fox spirit (kitsune) Kuzunoha Naruto on the other hand is the son of Kushina, who has the nine-tailed fox sealed inside him, Kurama
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  6. Goverments don't want a population capable of critical thinking. They want obedient workers. People just smart enough to run the machine and just dumb enough to passively accept their sittutaion.

  7. How much for cursed requirements the full one?
  8. Yea exactly
  9. Many players cant go to the event for this 2 facts, theyre farming(the chat box is fast enough to prevent the gm count down for the event) 2nd theyre afk (so the bulletin board for event would help them alot if you know what i mean) i mean isnt cool if people will know it on a bulletin event?
  10. Does it work like if you have a vote forsaken king helmet and the rest is the original forsaken king parts woupd the effect qorks the + 10 stats and so on?
  11. What about the stats?
  12. My friend told me the ro that he was playing can do that. So is it possible to do it here?
  13. Title says it all..
  14. Is it true that you can farm ygg much faster in there? And where if it is?
  15. Can anyone tell me Like what element would make something strong ANd what element would make something weak Thanks. Please make it understandable.
  16. Can anyone tell me, you know those 123 tabs at the same time? How to do it?
  17. Does neutral works to it? How long it would take for the quest to finish thanks.
  18. Rayrays guide doesnt work well, if you really wanna be a good creator you need to buy thana that would be the only way.why? Coz you cant do anything about gtb with two deviling and gr rsx enemy even you put ur int to maximum your attack will be somewhere to 900 not to mention when your enemies vit is somewhere 80+? It would lowered. So yea unless you use thana... and not everyone would waste stats for vit they rather put it to attack or something specially those who use longrange stuff
  19. No Weapon cards...
  20. Can anyone give me the link or post the picture to what it looks like? Thanks.
  21. You put the /hoai i have the same problem i hope they answeres it or figured out how to take it out. Dont try to download it again you will still have the same problem.
  22. Crying is the same thing as pouring all your frustations and regrets out of your body. You may use it as a weapon, but that's just too easy. Whenever you feel like crying, just smile instead. That's what it means to be a man. You get it?

  23. Your the best dud. But what kinds of armor? Does tao + tao will work?
  24. Is there any card to make it weak? And im always using gr + tao when i fhought them And when they try to hit me back theres a big differemce somehow theyre hit is so strong so is there any card to reduce it other than raydric? (Or raydricdoesnt work to them?) And what armor cards should i use when i fhought them?
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