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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Icarus

    This or that

    Lick a pussy!!!!! /rice Striper or a hooker?
  2. I wish I had an iPod or MP4 /sob
  3. I got killed,end of the story /heh I'm not realy a PvP person at the moment but I'll start to PvP when I'll get some good cards lol
  4. Keep on the good job =]

  5. False,I'm insanly active and I'm going to eat Icecream now!!! /rice TPBM Like Dragonforce(Band)
  6. And now you have one more star ^^

  7. Icarus

    This or that

    Kill my self Shoot your self or jump from a some tall place?
  8. False,I don't hate I just want to kill =] TPBM Is the Joker from Batman
  9. Epica - The Last Crusade
  10. False,I am Psycho Mantis TPBM Is the same
  11. Icarus

    This or that

    Female Far Cry or F.E.A.R?
  12. False(Didn't knew theres GS guild XD ) TPBM Is in some kind of a guild
  13. TRUE!!! ^^ TPBM Likes wet sex
  14. Icarus

    This or that

    Kill Shoot or Stab?
  15. False lol TPBM Has a pet wolf
  16. Icarus

    ^^ Hey

    Hi welcome to Forsaken^^ Here you won't be Hated XD
  17. Icarus

    This or that

    Forsaken FTW!!!! RO or WoW?
  18. Its okay,we hate you too ^^ TPBM agrees with me
  19. Icarus

    This or that

    10000 Mill Z ^^ Dollars or Euros?
  20. False,its in November ^^ TPBM Is horny
  21. False TPBM Is completly naked
  22. Icarus

    This or that

    Shoot a 50 Cal at A penny from 3 miles away Cake or Cookies?
  23. Dragonforce - Evening Star
  24. Icarus

    This or that

    Thats a hard one....hmmm...I think I'll just kill A Million People to save my friend lol Kill 1.5 millin people to save yourself or kill yourself to save one million people?
  25. I wish /sob TPBM Has a dogy
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