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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Nope /sob TPBM Loves to argue
  2. It is a motivational poster too xD
  3. Icarus

    1337 posts.

    The only reason for my big post number is cuz I like playing forums games =3
  4. Icarus

    Have you ever?

    Some times Have you ever wanted to run around naked?
  5. B to the E to the N to the N to the E to the D
  6. Icarus

    Have you ever?

    Didn't got a chance lol Have you ever slaped yourself so hard that you said "Why the fuck did I did that?"?
  7. Then I would take my chainsaw and go with you to have fun ^^ What would you do if you caught me wanking? o.o
  8. Icarus

    Have you ever?

    Nope Have you ever set on Mein Chair? Its quite Kampfy ^.^
  9. Icarus

    This or that

    Western animation Warcraft or Starcraft?
  10. Icarus

    This or that

    Both Sky Diving or Bungee jumping?
  11. Icarus

    This or that

    . . . German or British accent?
  12. Offer you a glass of wine What would you do if you ran out of alcohol?
  14. If I'll really want to >=] TPBM Will give me a cupcake for my birthday
  15. Hates me with every inch of her body lol
  16. Icarus

    Have you ever?

    Nope Have you ever spilled hot coffee on youself?
  17. There was one time when me and my friends were playing cards at school and when the teacher came to class she told us to stop and get ready for class,then I suddenly yelled: "Shut the fuck up". The teacher was shocked and didn't knew who said that and I was like with an innocent voice: "What?Who said that? O.O" Me and my friend were laughing so hard after that and tried to do that to every teacher ever since /heh
  18. Icarus

    1337 posts.

    Now go an wank like theres no tomorow =]
  19. "Say Hello to my little friend"
  20. Banned because I found out that your a guy XD
  21. Thanks ^.^ @Sushi - I didn't know your a commando XD
  22. Hey Sushi,when will you post your picture? Or did you already posted it? xD
  23. Icarus

    Emy's Gallery

    The guy in the third and forth pics looks kinda like russian lol
  24. Banned cause its 21:48 PM here
  25. Icarus

    Have you ever?

    Yes T,T Were you ever been heart broken?
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