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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. And this is me in retirement ^^
  2. Thank You,Thank You!!! You are so kind /sob
  3. LOL,I'm not afraid to be in drama,its fun ^^
  4. If you want to get involed in a drama then go to my topic in the Event Forum,and guess who started the drama? XD
  5. Only on Pizza and Toasts ^^ TPBM Has no sex organs
  6. What the hell is that? O.o TPBM Has Colastraphobia(What ever how you spell it)
  7. Whos Rima? O.o
  8. At least your on the forums,that means the dramas won't stop /heh
  9. I thought you left Forsaken /sob
  10. False O.o TPBM Is going to do nail polish
  11. False TPBM Hates Obama
  12. Yep TPBM Is G.W.Bush
  13. False,I'm not someone I'm something XDDD TPBM Is Somewhere
  14. True T____T TPBM Will be asoldier aswell
  15. False O.o TPBM Thinks that ther should be WW3
  16. You too are so cute /kus
  17. Are you some kind of a psychic? O.o TPBM Is not Tyler
  18. True ^^ TPBM Is more Nazi then me
  19. False,I burned Tyler ^^ TPBM Is Insane as me
  20. True :P TPBM Is not as sick as me
  21. TRUE!!!! TPBM IS not the TPBM
  22. True ^^ TPBM Is Tyler and he finaly got a hug
  23. Nope =] TPBM will hug himself XD
  24. Fasle TPBM will give a hug to Tyler
  25. False,hes in the shower =] TPBM Has just woke up
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