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Everything posted by Satanusuke

  1. Can u tell me how many Silver Kiels i can use in a time in total?
  2. Can i wear 4 silver kiels at a time?
  3. Guys , if i log-out my character merchant while vending , can i still earn activity token?
  4. Guys last question , How many SILVER KIEL card i can use in total?
  5. Ok thanks guys. Please close.
  6. Ok thanks guys. Last question , what is the difference between Silver Kiel and Normal Kiel? and where can i hunt for silver kiel?
  7. it means i can only have 2 Silver Kiels and 2 Kiels in total equips?
  8. Hello , i dont know what does mean by [Will not stack with 3 Kiels] What does it mean? Does it mean 3 kiel cards in a single equipment does not working? Does it mean 3 kiel cards in all items i equipped does not working? What does it exactly mean? How many kiel cards i can use in total?
  9. Ohh , ididnt know that. Btw , thanks for remnding! ^^ Close pls
  10. I have complete pieces. 4 parts i mean , King Armor+King Boots+King Cloak+King Shield
  11. I tried to compare the King set and Knight set. But based on my stats , Knight set has still higher stats , i dunno why.
  12. I thought Vote Forsaken King Set is very good? But when i compare this and Forsaken Knight Set , Forsaken Knight Set is much better when it comes to stats? What happened? Forsaken Knight Set has a better stats than King Set.
  13. Hello! Im here asking for a help or tips on how to get Memory Book. I was hunting for Memory Book at ra_san05 for about 1 day already , but still can't get Memory Book. Help me please!
  14. Ohh , ok i get it now. Thanks!
  15. Need good stats guide for HW , not magic crasher type yet.
  16. I mean the Forsaken Online Token , not the Activity Token. I saw a player selling it on mall , its different to Forsaken Online Activity , the name of the token has no Activity on it. Just "Forsaken Online Token" only , could you tell me what is it?
  17. Hello , as i noticed. We have here in game Forsaken Activity Online Token and Forsaken Online Token . what's their difference? and how to earn that Forsaken Online Token?
  18. Any more suggestions guys?
  19. Hello guys. What should i buy from the webshop using vote points? I don't know what to buy , i have High Wizard max level. But still dont have items cuz i dont know what should i buy from the webshop. Can somebody help me?
  20. I'm sorry if i have so many quiestions , im newbie here. What does leechers do? and how to become a leecher?
  21. Could somebody post here the item prizes = Activity Tokens and please put also the prices if how many activity tokens it needed to purchase the item. Thanks!
  22. How/Where to join battle royale? Can u give me more infos about it?
  23. How to make the names in the game become bold? I tried to type showname 1 and showname 2 , but its not changing.
  24. Help me. How can i become rich here? Seems the quest is too hard for a newbie like me , 1000 Chivalry Emblems is no joke. How to get items here? Could somebody give me a tips or ideas? Im already playing for about 3 weeks. But still i dont have anything much yet.
  25. I mean the same. Voting shop and Token shop.
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