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About Nouka

Nouka's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Lately i've been really busy with the school and during the vacation i was on a cruise so i havent really got acces to internet either Ragnarok Online. And my computer is pretty Bugged or is it the Ragnarok & Sakray Patch when i install i get the Error window at 1%..2% or 99% Which make me that i cant install Ragnarok Online. Im trying to figure whats wrong and i hope i will able to visit Forsaken soon. Regards, Nouka
  2. Nothing can exist without light...nothing can live without water...nothing cant exist in a empty space. The only thing thing that will keep the world to exist is a Small Seed...The Seed of Life...But it cannot grow without constant pray. after 500 million years of praying, it growed enough and have become an Angel. She is shining of Light, The Light of a God...She Sacrifice her Foot for making planet's & Stars all over the space...It have become universe. They all Growing and getting gravity which makes it possible for living things to grow on the Planet's. The Angel is preparaing a Big Burning Ball to be used as the Light for the worlds. This thing i called "The Sun". The Sun is burning and it looks beatiful. She prepare's of making Water. She throws the water tough the universe and straight to a planet. She maked Light, Water & A Universe, What comes next? She is using some Strange ritual and summon's Humans & Monster that supposed to live in peace forever. "Listen to my voice Humans & Monsters." "I am Freija...Im the one who created all of this." "Please pray me and i will always protect all of you." "Betray me, and you will face a terribly painful death." "One day i will return, i swear..." "Bye~" Freija disappear and only leave a Grave: "Freija, the God of Rune Midgard" Is signed on the gravestone. One human walk up on the Grave and says: "We got a new God, a God who respect us and will threat us well." "We will always Belive in Freija, and we will Fight these Monsters until the Death". The humans is chase'ing away the Monster away from the gravestone, but they soon attack back and kill some of the humans. After a while they chased away the monster. The man who walked up on the Grave before says: "We can't become friends with the monster!" "Its to risky, we need to become more powerful and build something to sleep in." 16 Year's Later the Human Community growed alot, They splited up Rune-Midgard in 6 Towns. Prontera, Geffen, Payon, Alberta, Inzlude & Morroc. Part 2 Comes Later^^
  3. You meaning of this Thread is to make a Story about Forsaken did become Forsaken, From the Begin to the End! Everything is allowed, THEN I MEAN EVERYTHING. Use your fantasy and make your story about Forsaken. in 1 week i will allow everyone on the forum to make a story about Forsaken. After 1 week i will Open a Poll Where people can vote for which story that they like. Sorry if i spelled anything wrong but i dont got much time:D
  4. Well, its pretty difficult cuz i belive we live in different timezones, or anyway not playing on same time. but i will try to figure out when we can arrange a meet:D Thi@go, I've been very busy lately so it may take 1 week or something. Is that ok? If not you can always ask someone else:D
  5. Zeek, It seems that you aren't very experienced either in Ragnarok or English. Can i ask how old you are?
  6. No, Im just 15 so i cant afford to donate for equipment's:D
  7. Today at 06:00 in-game (use @time) in morroc?.
  8. Collected 500 Box of Storm's. Im able to deliver the Boxe's Now.
  9. Been Busy Lately, I collected 200 Box of Storm, I deliver them on Monday.
  10. Redemption & I Sacrifice You Added to list, now i just need to invite you 2 to the guild^^
  11. 100 Box of Storm = 1 Coupon 100 Box of Thunder = 1 Coupon 100 Box of Sunlight = 1 Coupon PM me in-game Imafake or send a request here with you in-game name and what you which to have.
  12. Really? I've seen even better Recruiting Threads and i'm not even finish^^ Have you visited a site with 4 people only or what? :D
  13. Nouka

    Heeya Everyone^^

    Thanks Everyone. Hope i will get many nice friends here^^
  14. BETA! (Testing, Changing etc) There is 2 ways to Buy Leech right now. 1, Pay from the list below. 2, Make your offer with your own idea of Zeny and Items. Post you In-Game Name and how many levels you wish. From the Level you are to the level you wish to become. Notice that this is a Beta Thread, Its means the Prices isn't stable or fair. If anyone got suggestion of changes please Reply. Non-Rebirth 1~100 - 5m 1~175 - 20m 1~200 - 35m 1~255 - 75m 100~175c - 10m 100~200 - 13m 100~255 - 20m 175~200 - 10m 175~255 - 17m 200~255 - 30m Rebirth 1~100 - 10m 1~175 - 40m 1~200 - 70m 1~255 - 150m 100~175c - 20m 100~200 - 26m 100~255 - 40m 175~200 - 20m 175~255 - 34m 200~255 - 60m Or Make your offer (inc. Items and Equips).
  15. Nouka

    Guild Sub Forum!

    Guild Leader's name Imafake Guild Name Eternal Midgard Description of your guild. "Where the journey begins" How old is your guild Made 15-02/08
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