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Everything posted by iCake

  1. New weapon for SL?? @_@ Been waiting for this.
  2. Now this is real nostalgia.

    1. Ochibi


      Cakewalk da stalker =o ???

  3. Missin' the trippin'.. Take me away pwease.. Hahaha

  4. I guess it's inevitable, that's what happens when the market is so small. Prices are very unstable.
  5. Items like?
  6. Just missing wandering around fcity.. Haha..
  7. ..and 3% chance of auto casting level 5 Esma when doing physical damage. Hahaha.. :p
  8. Oh.. that stupid SL is me. I wasn't trying to strip. I'm just utterly bored with my SL. With regards to the suggestion, I can see the potential of SLs being a battle type. I was only using a cursed dagger then i dealt around 1-3k dmg depending on Warm Wind. Surely it'll do better if it has a valk or legendary weapon to use. It doesn't have to be as strong as a battle type priest or a SG, this suggestion only provides a new variation in SLs. +1
  9. I should've read this before i quit stalker..
  10. I used my soul linker to farm for lhz cards. Almost all mobs are like one-hit of esma.
  11. I have no idea about source edits. Haha.. I just remember a server i played before, Es skills are unlocked and yet, SL's aren't OP. As far as i remember, Esma on that server isn't something you can cast as is, i mean, they've put it in a passive state where while attacking, there's only a certain %chance that Esma will launch. I think they didn't edit the damage cuz it's still like "once-my-esma-launches-you're-dead"
  12. I know this has been suggested several times and it didn't get any positive response, but then i still want to revive this suggestion. I'm suggesting to unlock "Es" skills namely Estun, Esma, and Eswoo. Yes, only those three skills i've mentioned and i'd like to add few modifications on them. • Estun - Remove the 2-sec stun on the affected player. • Esma - Reduce damage done when cast to demihumans. • Eswoo - Remove the walking speed reduction when used on a player. (Clearly for fun only) So there, I don't think unlocking these skills with modifications would make them OP. They still have VERY low hp comparing to other classes. They don't have bolts and stave amplifications on their weapon. (Though lvl 10 bolts hurts a bit :D) You can't spam Esma like hell because you need Estun as a requisite, plus the damage reduction. Guess it's fair enough. Well, i already have an idea on how are you gonna react on this fellas. :P
  13. Hope they'd include this on the next update.
  14. O.O I just got my extra 2k stat points.
  15. Idk about that 2k stats.. But babies can wear Valk Weapons, why not legendaries? I think Ray's right, it's some sort of bug.
  16. AAaahhhh!!!!! I wanna wear my l.book....
  17. I have a 255/255 baby priest and i can't wear my l.book. Some say only baby novice can wear l.weap.
  18. It's already existing, I just dunno what's that called..Cat Tail? Not sure..
  19. Please allow babies to wear legendary weapons. T_T Please please. If there's a reason why they don't allow that, I'd love to hear that.
  20. Tails?
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