I know this has been suggested several times and it didn't get any positive response, but then i still want to revive this suggestion.
I'm suggesting to unlock "Es" skills namely Estun, Esma, and Eswoo. Yes, only those three skills i've mentioned and i'd like to add few modifications on them.
• Estun - Remove the 2-sec stun on the affected player.
• Esma - Reduce damage done when cast to demihumans.
• Eswoo - Remove the walking speed reduction when used on a player. (Clearly for fun only)
So there, I don't think unlocking these skills with modifications would make them OP. They still have VERY low hp comparing to other classes. They don't have bolts and stave amplifications on their weapon. (Though lvl 10 bolts hurts a bit :D)
You can't spam Esma like hell because you need Estun as a requisite, plus the damage reduction. Guess it's fair enough.
Well, i already have an idea on how are you gonna react on this fellas. :P