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About devil_trigger

  • Birthday 05/26/1990

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  • Interests
    FRO 24/7 xD

Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    Geff Mckee
  • Ingame Character Names
    • DevilTrigger •
  • Guild
    Valhalla Guardians

devil_trigger's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Finally i'm able to play again :) hehehe...well here i go 1) Bot Detector Thing (i think i noticed and reported this long time ago xD) - its still annoying and still can kill you specially when your luring mobs, or some instance (you pressed @warp at the same time it appeared) you wont be able to move, use @warp again or worst won't be able to character select too specially when monsters are near you and starts attacking you, the only thing you can do is either press ALT+F4 or wait till your character dies :( i'm not against the bot detector, its just that maybe we can be somehow invulnerable/mobs can't attack us while typing the code? 2) Champion/Monks Using Body Relocation/Snap to Remove/Get out of Traps - i suggested this before on my old server (that died long time ago) and was able to change it, it made the WoE more intense since the defense is more tighter, and i think this is unfair in WoE/PvP for a Sniper/Hunter, a good Sniper/Hunter knows when and where to put his/her traps specially in tight situations, but the trap/Remove Trap skill becomes useless because you can just Body Relo/Snap out of it, hope this can get fixed here too. 3) Maybe Revise the effect of GTB? - maybe make it reduces 90%or (???%) of magic damage inflicted on wearer and still nullifies status aliments & buffs ? cause Wizzards/Profs has nothing to do to you when you're wearing GTB (like Sniper/Hunters a bit unfair for them too) 4) Entweihen Crothen Card - this card becomes useless since its compounded on Armors, maybe it can be changed to be compounded on weapons instead? since most of the badass cards are for other jobs, Mage Type Characters has less useful cards to choose from to put on their weapons. 5) A new command, @alootid 1 <name of item>, @alootid 2 <name of item>, @alootid 3 <name of item>, (get the idea?) - so that we no longer need to put trashes in our inventories just to @autoloot the items that we want, and its a pain when you suddenly come across a MVP with a rare drop and you forgot that your inventory is full, specially here in fRO the loots disappears fast. (happened to me so i know the feeling </3) 6) Uhhh maybe Revise some of the items for the other jobs rarely seen on the server? - this is my personal opinion (i maybe wrong though) i rarely see jobs like Star Gladiator, Stalker, White Smith, Ninja, Gunslinger and a few Clowns/Gypsy, High Priest, maybe a little boot on their items would help? like example giving the High Priests a killing skill(s) (Priest Weapon Adds Holy Light Damage + ???%) so that they're not just for Healing & Buffng? Again just a Suggestion/Personal Opinion, not forcing to change it or something :) Rok On
  2. ahahaha i like the guitars too..but i wasn't able to get them in game, all i could do was borrow from my friend only few players were able to get their hand on it..( 5 - 6 players i think ) xD i hope some of the spriter(s) here in FRO can make it :)
  3. that server is already dead master, no use advertising it xD
  4. Before i start i just want to clear things, i am not forcing or telling GM/Spriter(s) to make them, its your call if you want to make these items or not, im just posting these to share it to you guys to give a couple of ideas for FRO. I hope i can give you guys a good idea for some custom items, its some picture/screenshots form my old server, some of those cool items where sprited by my friend. (Resshin the flame dragon from flame of recca & tobi v.2. of naruto) Resshin & Saint Ring Tobi v.1 & 2 Electric & Accustic Guitar Looney Toons BP /BP/ Random Items
  5. devil_trigger


    i think @noks most of the time only works against normal attack (Left Click) but when a player usess a skill to KS you it hits :( (i havent tested if all the skills hits) but asura hits. Billyjoe17 - @noks is protection against players trying to KS you
  6. welcome to the junggle xD
  7. hehehe the suggestion is good, but i think even if i join ( sure lose ) not good at using photoshop xD
  8. Since this is a "suggestion tread" i'll give it a try its a little hard cuz i'm new here & i don't have a priest class yet but i played in other servers similar to ForsakenRO ( balance & donator friendly ) i don't know about the delay here cuz as i said i haven't tried it yet here, ( even if i want to, i don't have a priest & items for it :D) but i did tried it on the server i came from, & i know HL type priest can easly be countred by reflect ( maya card which often kills me xD, angeling card ) & i doesn't just kills you, when facing an enemy wearing reflect or angeling you're pretty useless as well, so what the server did was they added a weapon called "Death Scythe & Chair" ( i don't know if FRO has a weapon like or similar to this weapons)the Death Scythe which has a high chance of coma & the Chair which has a level 10 Bash Skill so that you have a choice of switching not just depending on HL.it will make you're enemy switch to GTB/Thara Frog since its the only way to avoid coma/minimizing damage, :) and by the way HL in my old server deals a big damage specially when linked and can kill players even wearing GTB.might sound over powered but i agreed on strengthening it up even so, why? HL is the only skill of priests that can kill other players and easy to counter/avoid, and wearing GTB, Maya, Angeling will make them 90% useless, and i was also happy they added "Death Scythe/Chair" items cuz like i said HL will be useless when you're enemy is wearing Maya/Angeling, you have no choice but to run around xD well hope this helps even a little or gives an idea :)
  9. Thank you sir/ma'am/s sorry for the late reply ( busy doing quests :D ) and by the way i accidentaly pressed @warp while the botchecker was asking me and was gone when i landed from the warp,the bad news is i can't move so i had no choice but to ALT+F4 xD
  10. Hi im new here at fRO & this will be my 1st post..um about the bot-detector thingy which will ask you to type a certain code/numbers/etc. i get killed most of the time because of this..& after you type in the corresponding code it sucks you SP >.< i hope you will be some what in invulnerable mode while typing the code? & after typing the code i hope it doesn't suck our SP xD more powers fRO -Rok ON!
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