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About PhoenixBlaze

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PhoenixBlaze's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. +1. Best idea in the NA
  2. Neko Mimi Hat, Flapping Angel hat and Flying Evil Wing. Note; Would be awesome if the Flying Evil Wing came in different colours (should have certain stats that are actually useful).
  3. +1 for moving the American Woe Times since American WoE time's are a nuisance at the moment, however the Europe WoE time's are fine the way they are.
  4. Django Unchained.
  5. Thanatos: "Deals more damage depending on the target's defense" Therefore if you were to have +10 items, a lot of damage would be done to you. It's Ideal to only go +10 on weapons. And as -Si- stated above, +10 on Boots IF you are using Firelock Soldier.
  6. If you go far enough into the Clothes changer, the skin colour changes. Having a separate skin colour changer would be awesome though. +1 to this.
  7. Rather than voting for stronger items, being able to vote for a variety of "fun hats" may be something a lot of people would want, however, these hat's should take a lot of vote points to obtain them, or else it would become too mainstream. ;D.
  8. -1, I've played Ninja enough to know how they work, and played against a ninja with most of the classes. They aren't as strong as people think. It's actually easy to beat them.
  9. Thanks guys.
  10. Thanks guys. :D. I'll definitely try out the Seed Room.
  11. Hello GM's/Players/Everyone :D. Where do I start?. I used to be an old RO player on another server called "XileRO". I ended up quitting and then rejoining a few times. I then quit for good due to exams. Now that exams are over I decided to join a RO server again, and here I am. My in game name is iiBlaze. I prefer to play Champion however I already have 3 characters at level 255/255 and have done the Forsaken knights quest for my Champion. Right now I pretty much have no clue what I should be doing to earn some Tokens :O (Guessing that's the main currency). I'm online most of the time. I look forward to meeting people on ForsakenRO and becoming a Loyal member of FRO. :D
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