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Everything posted by Marshmallows

  1. i love the new Daggers.
  2. -1 for thise epic fail suggestion.
  3. offer
  4. bump
  5. bump
  6. Marshmallows


  7. Marshmallows


    B>SniperSB/Ifrit Card leave offer/IGN
  8. selling Lord Knight Blessed Ring=[2.8] Freyr's Glimmering Blade=[1k] Lord Knight Black Halber=[800] or offer/Leave IGN
  9. offer for LK items
  10. Selling: Minestrel Song Hat White Rop Lord Knight Blessed Ring Lord Knight Halberd
  11. yup man im piss for those abuse warp then trash talk you , that you cant kill them haha they dont know how to use their common sense
  12. i think this is a common problem here in the server because some of the player abusing warp.
  13. offer
  14. there's GM but not responding is the GM inactive?

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    2. Genesis


      You could always add any of my contacts to talk to me directly. Its not like its hard to get a hold of me.

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      If you see any afked GMs the you know they're part of the afk squad ' w ' , also they are pretending to play statue when there stalker is around :3

    4. Marshmallows


      @Victoria i did that but no reply.

      @Genesis idk your contacts

  15. hey hey hey, man final strike dont need thanatos card hahaha, magic dont need thana do you know that??? and final strike is not a long range attack, dude before you proclaim that NINJA is gonna be useless research it you can switch to throw kunai ninja , FS is just another alternative skill for ninja ,
  16. haha i dont blame this guy, but you FS is like a ASURA can do a 1hit KO if u go full FS but there's always pro who know how to balance there build. they can switch to Semi FS type with just 2 TAO and 1vit+1str if its not effective you just switch back to Shuriken/Kunai hahaha maybe they dont want to accept what you were saying about ninja
  17. welcome back
  18. wasssup guys :)
  19. to lazy to read this sorry :) but i welcome you even your older player than me :D
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