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Forsaken Elite
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About thejay2xa

  • Birthday 02/02/1988

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Reading, Movies, Music, Blogging, Tweeting, Ranting, Kpop

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    dJay, SaintSpirit

thejay2xa's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. a big yes to this suggestion, desperately need a banker not sure about the interest tho +1
  2. The event sounds fun! Never played it but is willing to try ;) +1
  3. Use Lord of Death just like Victoria said :) One card gives you 0.1% chance inflicting comma.
  4. Doesn't Cursed Water do the trick? I think Sniper is best for killing MVPs :)
  5. my point, if other class (e.g hunter, gunslinger) has unlimited ammo why not them also? are stones considered ammo? or it's like bottles for biochem? thoughts please :)
  6. Can I just ask why would you Right Click your character? I tried attack a monster and then right click on my character and nothing really happens... Could you do a screen shot?
  7. Use @alootid 7355 :) Dropped by Red Dimik
  8. You can exchange Activity Tokens on Token Trader for items.
  9. Isn't it a bit OP? I think 75 would be a reasonable price. I wonder why it's going up... even Token price has been getting a little bit inconsistent.
  10. Homunculus skills isn't working atm, Caprice would be really useful in case. A very extensive guide, thanks for posting this :) PS I hope real guides like this one could be put on top so that many could see it.
  11. It's reusable, yes :) once you done the quest you'll have the pass and will have access on the Silver MVP Room.
  12. I played pRO too! I was part of Chaos on my noob days then changed server to Loki that made a lot noob-er lol Anyways welcome and have fun on fRO :)
  13. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=DiN73Gnshsw[/media]
  14. +1 This would definitely be a life saver for the farmers!
  15. Kuroko Basketball :D

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