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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Billyjoe17

  1. if i sell my item cost 600k using @autotrade. im not getting the exact price i sell. i get only 585k ..please advice
  2. welcome to the server
  3. Hi welcome to the server
  4. i already create guild and create logo 25x 25 pixel. document type bmp. i try to create 16 and 24 bit (emblem folder) then i paste it to folder in forsaken program. then i get to online guild i browse the name then i click it. but nothing happen my logo i created was not post.
  5. welcome 2 server
  6. donation or quest? thanks.
  7. please help me to do this..quest.. how to quest? and if i finish please instruct me how to go there.
  8. Last 2003. i attend the Grand eyebol of Philippines ragnarok online @ SM Megamall.. Server Sarah an Odin. My Question is What is your Age? im 30years old. so what? LOL :)
  9. can't patch the game..
  10. what npc i buy cecil damon.
  11. i try to play in computer shop. all the program and need to play FRO is on my USB. i try to click and play the FRO and the client are not working. not patching. please advice.
  12. HI Psych, can i join, i want to gear up and to get some strategy to make money. and to played as a team.
  13. hahahah.....it depends of the character...good luck. or choose champ...
  14. enjoy... welcome to the server..
  15. ok. thanks
  16. i have a 7 character in one account. please advice. how to pass zeny coz i wanna buy some item. i dont get banned. except changing it to coin. i think if i create another account then pass it. then pass it to the character i want to handle my zeny. please correct if i wrong..
  17. i already created logo 24 by 24. i create folder name emblem then i paste it on directory of forsaken folder..but cannot save doc... the error need the authorization to save in the folder. please advice. my extention files of the logo is .jpg.
  18. i think the character u will find the sniper...
  19. welcome....
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