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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Kinketsu

  1. I wish. It's each item.
  2. Kinketsu

    hi ^^ Everyone!!

    What's a Harry Popotter?
  3. Kinketsu


    glacias, senor.
  4. i buy, 1 zeny.
  5. Kinketsu


    <-- waiting for response. impatient person. ^_^...
  6. Kinketsu


    wtfux mate? where's the vent info.
  7. boofday?
  8. hiz, me no like you. =]
  9. Kinketsu


    =[, i am a woe whore.
  10. I will for pics, kthxbai.
  11. Kinketsu


    wowsirureplyfast. but srsly ORLY?
  12. That's 1337..
  13. Kinketsu


    True statement, and ORLY?!?!?!
  14. Kinketsu


    hai, i come back and keelz you guys. Lol and term I havn't been on MSN so long I don't even know if I remember my PW. but I think I do, i have to reinstall MSN though. i come back and join uz guild plz?
  15. Kinketsu

    Rate My Siggy

    fckyouthenterm. no hello?
  16. Kinketsu

    Rate My Siggy

    100/100 Rate my sig plz. =]
  17. HOYL COW WTF SDNIUFNJUSN SFNHNJFJ SPAM 1 2 23 4 5 5 6 77 8 8 9 9 0 10 121 1 1 2 336 <-- my age =] 2187318927421482147124872 <-- my age 2381275871512859891235 <- your age qir9183urnwnsdn <-- ftw
  18. iwishtojointooplz.
  19. spamspamspamspamspam.
  20. Oh em gee, is that you in your sig? hawt <3
  21. Oh em gee? +7? What happened to the 100% blacksmith? =]
  22. Kinketsu


  23. Hm.. I think it's time for me to come back to fRO. =]
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