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About nincess2

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. you just go killing poring during the mini game event? even if you're not the winner but still you could get minigame token?
  2. Maaaaaaaan! This is killing meeeeeeeeeeeee!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ejayallen


      This happens already the last night right?

    3. nincess2


      yea.. i was so sleepy so i decided to rest my lappy for 3-day straight ON Haha

    4. sartorius19


      yeah it but did not took long.

  3. Any Pinoy players here? Add me please :D
  4. Nooooooooooooooooo :/ I didn't ask for the price of EOF,Cards,King Shield,Symbol of Brave. What I mean is the prices for the other items in bulk. Like 40 items (bulk). Because I sold 34 items for friggs with the said quantity for each for just 80tokens. I'm just a 2-week old that time on the server.
  5. Hi Hej ;)
  6. i mean the prices for the stuffs in bulk for friggs except the items mentioned above :)
  7. In addition Sir, sometimes botcheck hangs up. Its kinda disturbing Server is down LOL
  8. He's right.. Coding is like having a headache LOL
  9. I'm selling set requirements for Friggs Shield except of the ff items: EOF 2x King Shield D.Wiz Card Symbol of Brave If anyone of you guys know the price for the stuffs? Just leave me a message. Thank you :)
  10. Waiting for the server to be up again :/

  11. Thanks Uncle xD
  12. i think i can only play 8x a month because im already busy for my thesis capstone project :'( We're same. I know that feeling bro :/
  13. Please please please its my last week to play before classes starts... :'(
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