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About jinn28

  • Birthday 10/19/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in Neverland
  • Interests
    Gaming, Horror Movies, Anime, Drums, Guitar, Sleeping xD, etc.

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    Splendid. HTF
  • Guild

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jinn28's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. O_o
  2. Black Butterfly Aura = offer pm me in game Splendid. HTF or facebook, [email protected], ty
  3. T>> My Sniper set = SinxCursedSet (RING,any valk weapon for sinx,2xLoki's Seal) pm me in game Splendid. HTF or msg me at facebook, [email protected], ty
  4. 2k for both :)
  5. jinn28

    Darren's Shop

    darren you still sell Sinx Set?
  6. 1.3 p.emp pm me in game, Splendid. HTF
  7. Use Deviling Cards, tho be careful with TSS.
  8. +1 no harm increasing it just a bit.., guild leaders wastes a lot of tokens paying salaries,, and won't even get a good drop that can compensate for the huge loss every woe,.
  9. die gangers ^_^

  10. Deviling Balloon [600] only, pm me in game, Splendid. HTF, PhilosopherStone
  11. i got Deviling Balloon [600] only pm me in game, Splendid. HTF, PhilosopherStone, `Lein [ The After Image]
  12. S>>> Deviling Balloon [600] fair price :) pm me in game : Splendid. HTF, Splendid.HTF, PhilosopherStone, `Lein [The After Image]
  13. Pm me for Raid, Pro Sniper here, Pm Splendid.HTF, Splendid. HTF, PhilosopherStone or `Lein [The After Image] :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bboygarrison


      nop... i was supposed to farm >.< now i ended up doin my homework

    3. ejayallen


      Being a practical person that would be nicer than playing. But on some oldies like most of players here that dont have anything to do but play that's booring ^_^

    4. jinn28


      hahahaha, sorry, i didn't know there's comment on status updates xD, so i didn't answer, xD

  14. since what time is the server down?? PH time pls :)
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