i just noticed this topic, but must comment even if its old.
first of all, what lies geez.
1) I was in ant hell when "date supposedly made an annocement if someone doesnt reply you;ll get guild kicked" i at the time was either talking to someone or skill spamming and the chat box fills up to fast to see a single annocement. At this time was still pretty new on the server, and i thought this was a "decent guild" and it was till i met Date, i find him a complete jackass as do other people in and outside the guild im not the only one, Really made no difference i got kicked from a guild, but his reason beyond it was just retarded like him. i can even list former members by the double digits that well back up my story of being kicked just for even being AFK.
2) i dont know who talks about owning who here, but i can assure must of you are complete liers.
a) The wizard, beaten by a wizard, what are u kidding me? if u did kill me i was afk or it could be with 50k hp stormgust can 1 shot me, but i;d ygg if i wasnt afk,
B) ive taken out date,inamato many times and sometimes 3-4 of your guildies vs me at a 3 to 1 win ratio as friendly duel in and outside guild.
c) your all full of shit, besides inamato, he was the only decent player in the guild, Date was a complete joke every time ive met him in pvp.
d) as for rei, you talk a lot of shit, any time u want to duel, pm me if your even still around.
i only found out about this topic from a friend last night, but i couldnt let it go, due to all the lies.
oh and last of all, i dont brag about who i own how or when, so however mentioned i want around claiming this and that, show me a screen shot plz.
but if you were the wizard then yea, it was 24 to 2, that goes for any wizard in the damn game.
so last of all, date you can kiss my hairy ass, you immature 11 year old faggot with control issue's, everyone else i never ever had beef with and were cool guild memebers.