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Everything posted by topgun

  1. stole my name and my items, and hes a little queer too by his pic.. but hes alright in my book

  2. topgun


    haha i was best at nothing -_- good at GS, bad at every other class in the game..
  3. topgun


    Due to many reasons, which i wont bother going in to cause noone would care, Ive taken my perm leave from Forsaken Ragnarok. Ive already gotten my account banned on purpose to make sure of that, and deleted all my characters and given away most of my items to friends (sorry) like to thank this great community of players for makin it fun. I dont think personally had a problem with anyone, beside the overkill buff botters on this server, you know who you all are and only those of you with big mouths. Im noone speical, so i wont be even noticed if im gone :D no speical thanks to anyone in certain, but to all the players of the server. Good luck to everyone, whatever there goals may be for the future. GM please ban this account too. Thanks -
  4. i just noticed this topic, but must comment even if its old. first of all, what lies geez. 1) I was in ant hell when "date supposedly made an annocement if someone doesnt reply you;ll get guild kicked" i at the time was either talking to someone or skill spamming and the chat box fills up to fast to see a single annocement. At this time was still pretty new on the server, and i thought this was a "decent guild" and it was till i met Date, i find him a complete jackass as do other people in and outside the guild im not the only one, Really made no difference i got kicked from a guild, but his reason beyond it was just retarded like him. i can even list former members by the double digits that well back up my story of being kicked just for even being AFK. 2) i dont know who talks about owning who here, but i can assure must of you are complete liers. a) The wizard, beaten by a wizard, what are u kidding me? if u did kill me i was afk or it could be with 50k hp stormgust can 1 shot me, but i;d ygg if i wasnt afk, B) ive taken out date,inamato many times and sometimes 3-4 of your guildies vs me at a 3 to 1 win ratio as friendly duel in and outside guild. c) your all full of shit, besides inamato, he was the only decent player in the guild, Date was a complete joke every time ive met him in pvp. d) as for rei, you talk a lot of shit, any time u want to duel, pm me if your even still around. i only found out about this topic from a friend last night, but i couldnt let it go, due to all the lies. oh and last of all, i dont brag about who i own how or when, so however mentioned i want around claiming this and that, show me a screen shot plz. but if you were the wizard then yea, it was 24 to 2, that goes for any wizard in the damn game. so last of all, date you can kiss my hairy ass, you immature 11 year old faggot with control issue's, everyone else i never ever had beef with and were cool guild memebers.
  5. topgun

    Join my campaign

    True you can live through 1 sonic blow, with forsaken thara. however in reality, its usually 2 sonic blow's at once, and with elite jur it can even be 3. and thats well over 250k hp.
  6. topgun

    Join my campaign

    also forgot to add, yes you do play sniper well, you use traps unlike a LOT of ppl and etc. but seems to me your just not keeping your distance, cause then you wouldnt get hit. but i never had a real problem playing sniper vs sin x. all i did was Sight > Repel > DS > a few times over or for the decent players lay down ankle snare > Arrow shower them in to it > Sight (close distance to keep from cloacking) Ds spam. the end. get jumped by 2 sins? then u die as well as almost anyone else.
  7. topgun

    Join my campaign

    must say, it isnt sniper's that only get 1 shotted, a lot of other classes too, with or without forsaken thana shield. get over it. yes i have seen you play, all you do is keep the max distance from all characters, and i mean the max as in the other person wont even be able to see you from the distance. which is a fair tactic i quess, since you do play a ranged class... which brings me to my next point, if you die in 1 sonic blow, how about you avoid getting sonic blowed in the first place? Sight? Arrow repel? Ankle snare? Sandman trap? Freeze trap? arrow shower out the hidden? I can go on and on with what you can do to avoid getting even hit once with sonic fucking blow. Yes it sucks u have to do all this and push all those damn buttons to be able to counter or reveal the hidden, deal with it, ranged class weakness is a close up fight. you bitch and bitch more about sniper's being the worest? how about when the LK with 400k hp and geared to kill, gets 1 shotted? how about the other classes with no push back skill? if you think a thara shield well honestly help aginest a soul linked edp sonic blow sin x your really off in that thought i can assure you, with our without a shield you;ll die, you;ll even die if u break 250k hp which snipers cant even reach. hell even 300k wont save you. the only real counter is a paladin with 100%+ reflect and a lot of hp to surive to ygg spam. this is 100% fool proof unless its a coma sb which is becoming popular. you also bitch about FCP and all that other bullshit buffs, you think its cool i cant break almost anyones wepons or armours these days with my whitesmith card? or even stand a chance to disarm with gunslinger all the decent players with there buddy buddy creator? or second accounts to soul link sin x's themselfs? no it isnt, im pissed off i cant kill a paladin with GS or even a LK cause i cant break there armour , tough shit, a lot of other classes have this problem. your hp is low you say, well duh every ranged class character has low hp? it has since the game was created, your only seeing that now? if anyone has a right to bitch its wizards and proffs vs GTB, try meeleing someone for 5 seconds any decent player to try to strip someone sheild, once you do that, then come back to me and say sniper's are screwed vs sin x.
  8. Buying Thanatos card. Pm me in game. serious sellers only please. TopGun -main- Kasou TopGun2
  9. topgun

    Join my campaign

    Thats the price you pay for playing a high rate server. Unbalance occurs, the game wasnt ment to go past lv 99. every class has some sort of counter... it's all about who gets the first hit, while if a sniper gets the first hit u may not kill the sin x but u can repel him and keep your distance. get a sin x card, very helpful, and speed potion with wings, means u can walk without getting hit out of cloack easy, you also have snare. etc etc. its unfair a class can dish out 300-400k damage with a push of the button sure, but you just have to find a counter that works for you. now a party of sonic blow seek and destory sins, thats a different story, no one on the server can take that on, no matter how good you are. Also card combo counters exist , if your willing to replace a few cards in your slots, depending on your class. Im not for the thread. I made a Sonic blow sin x myself, with all the best gear u can get with out a thana, and i didnt find them that great....and i was scared of paladins.. but thats just myplaystyle and me. they arent unbeatable i can say. as for wearing shields etc etc class vs class skills, and weight limit etc, the game wasnt ment to be over 99, thats why unbalance occurs.. cant be helped.
  10. topgun

    B> thana card.

    Buying Thanatos card. Willing to pay 1100 coupons. or so. tell me what how much you want. ingame name is Topgun
  11. topgun


    I came over from QRO which seemed to have disappeared when i took a few months of playing ro, so ive found this server. Hell i can say this is one of the few servers with working download links, so props to the admins. What can i say about myself.. hmmm Well, I work in the field of Management (smaller corps of all business traits), Im from Canada, Toronto, currently 22 years young. Ive played Ragnaork Since Beta 2, and played on IRO LOKI for numerous years, Qro for a year or two, now ive been on this server for less then a month. Must say my favorite class on this server is Gunslinger, and Sin x. The class i do hate the most must be Pallys..Stride comes to mind. only due to my GS not being able to kill them :( but thats a whole other story. Ive made friends on this server quite fast, its very soical server which I like, not to mention majority speak english also which is really are in the Priv server world for this game at least from my experince. This server rocks, its such treat having such a terrific Gm Team. I voted daily, and encourage people to donate if they can, whatever little amount you can. I expect this server to be around for a long time as should all of you. Regard's Topgun
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