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Everything posted by topgun

  1. sup nigga,

    monthly stalk check in,

  2. who did you hax it from??

  3. No i did quit, altho i was offered a gm position.. if only it was given before the thanatos transaction.. i;d still be around.. i dont even know why i come on the forums.. i quess to see if the server is out of business yet or to keep up with the e-drama and some pinoy keeps spaming me for items and sex. in otherwords quit but check mail time to time.

  4. damn, ugly son of a bitchs

  5. hey jay...... studplayer eh?

  6. you got whitesmith'd QQ

  7. I hope that new year's hat isnt the only thing added. :sad:
  8. I was under the impression they would add new items, not take away old ones.
  9. So it was said every month there would be some new items added for the vote rewards, Its been quite over a month... I am just wondering if there is any near future plans to relase any more new items?
  10. lawl, quit the game please, lost to a sin x on your paladin while gangin me with a creator.. your one to talk..

  11. Wishin you a happy Birthday Genesis. :biggrin:
  12. topgun

    Thanatos Cards!

    I cant belive that was the response by a Gm. First of all, AT least there is skoll cards to counter Thana, and not everybody is pushing high vit, (free thana resistance) "Tss is not ment to be a one kill Skill while Asura is" Well thats not 100% true, if anybody of you ever played IRO a good geared champion can 1 shot most low lv trans classes, or undergeare classes not wearing protection" "HENCE THE WORD PROTECTION" Now apply this to this, "Everyone dual clients to Fcp themselfs, strip on a gtb" they are now immune to All magic damage a class can do. Making Dragon warlord card, useless waste of a slot. Which Destoryes all Magic classes. My point is, if you nerf the ablity to use thana with TSS, which has over numberous counters, even free ones VS Doing something about GTB+FCP, like the only reason paladins on this server are unkillable is due to the god damn fcp abuse of duel clienting. And no ON IRO there is no dual clienting allowed. So either get rid of the TSS nerf, or if your keeping the TSS nerf, do something about gtb/fcp. You dont have to change GTB at all, just make it harder to fcp or something creative. Thats my 2 cents, totally uncalled nerf on thana.
  13. LOl u look like a total queer in that pic.. is it recent? no wonder you dont have a good job, u look like a jedi fag

  14. i'll do that thank you for the info.
  15. Hmmm.. all my donations are gone... as well as most of my lv 255 characters.. its safe to assume there was some rollback??
  16. I guess i;ll have to, I wanted to avoid that. Thanks again.
  17. Hmmm.. I enter my email, it says Connect. Start Communication. Request Login. Send Message. Close. Status Mail Sent. However i've gotten nothing, been trying for a good half an hour.. and numerous times. I havent blocked any emails.. and its not ending up in the junk folder.. so i dont know. Does a GM approve the mail before it's sent or something?
  18. oh duh how could i not see that.. Thanks BlueB
  19. Wanted to check up on something, however I havent played for many months, Is there some sort of username/password recovery? I cant seem to get in to the system. Umm thanks.
  20. topgun


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