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Rad Lor

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About Rad Lor

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. There's actually two token trader area, one specifically for Forsaken Tokens, called Forsaken King Room which is located at the right of the city, and the other is the actual Token Trader which trades other tokens other than Forsaken Tokens. This one is located just a bit left of the city.
  2. That's a normal occurrence when Hallucination(That red-eye thingy on the right side.) is casted on you. You could remove the effects(/effect) if its bothering you.
  3. Would it be possible to increase the chances of winning on events like the Cluck! Cluck! and Pori Pori Revenge? As they are now, the players who joins these events doesn't exceed the number of fingers on a grand peco because of the low chance of winning. And a friend also told me that ever since he joined the server, he haven't seen any winner on the Cluck! Cluck! event. And for the monsters to be killed on Pori Pori revenge, would it be possible to decrease their HP? An mvp boss with 95m HP which is immune to Coma, a Poison-element monster which has no element weakness, a 0.25% chance of receiving a reward (If I remember correctly when I asked Genesis), a 10-15 minute time limit? In my opinion, aren't really appealing. Here's my suggestion for the Pori Pori Revenge if it is an invasion event: Make it run in a number of wavesFor the final wave: Make the Pori Pori the final single boss in the wave and make its HP >=30m. It should be immune to Neutral property attacks so that Asura Strike will not work on it. It can be immune to Coma but its HP should still be enough so that it can be killed using normal attacks or skills. The reward should be fit for a boss. For the preceding waves: Normal mobs will be spawned so that newbies will also have the chance on killing it. Each mob has a >=10% chance of dropping an Event Token. If a number of waves will be used, maybe an increase of the number of Event Tokens dropped per wave and the same drop rate is okay. For the map: Maybe AOE skills or skills that can be used on multiple mobs can be disabled on the map. So that everyone will have a chance to kill something.
  4. They can also put portals which will teleport you to a random place inside the the dungeon. Timed barricades can also be used to confuse players.
  5. I know that there's a lot of people who have the same goal in suggesting this before, "To increase the number of forum users." I am also suggesting this for the same reason. Here are a couple of events that I have in mind. a.) Loading Screen Event - This will be an event which will be related to an incoming season/event (e.g. Christmas, Valentines, Halloween, Winter, Spring, etc.) The picture to be submitted will be in-game pictures (taken by Print Screen). The screenshot can't be edited (Can be cropped). The entry will be posted in the forum. A screenshot will be placed in a spoiler tag. Contestants can also join the hunt for the perpetrators(rule breakers). No rewards will be given to those who can prove a picture to be edited because they will already increase their chance of winning by decreasing the number of competitors. There will be three(3) winners for this event. When the winners are chosen, a signature of their own should be placed on the screenshot. The winner's entry will be used as a loading screen on the next update until the update after that. An additional in-game item may be rewarded to the winners. An exclusive headgear maybe, since the event will depend to an incoming event/season. This event should be done before an update is made. Yeah, this is like the Holiday Screenshot event but with add-ons. b.) Spot that Picture! Event - Here are the mechanics: A screenshot in-game will be used. The picture will be cropped wherein a part of it can only be seen. The cropped picture will be posted here. The size of the cropped picture varies. The players will look for it in-game. When a player finds the cropped picture in-game, they will take a screenshot with it, and post it here in the forums. The duration can be in a week or depends on the number of players who will join. The winner will be announced at the end of the event's duration. Only one winner will be accepted. So it will be like first come, first served. The cropped picture should be reviewed so that the picture will be available at one place only. The cropped picture can be custom-made by the staff but should be seen in-game. The staff can include a number of false images in-game, so that a player could choose it by mistake. The staff can also put a number of different images which will be used throughout the event until the next update is made. This event can be done weekly. For the reward, event tokens should suffice since it's a weekly thing. I think this has been done before, I just can't remember where the thread was, so I decided to post it anyway.
  6. Yes, The items only add 1 weight each. Maybe a staff probably changed it.
  7. Animal Gore - Description - Change from weight 10 to 1 Aquamarine - Description - Change from weight 10 to 1 Mystic Frozen - Description - Change from weight 30 to 1
  8. I hope this was not suggested before and then ended up being refused. I would like to suggest to make some items not sellable to npcs. Specifically the items dropped by Mini Boss, Boss monsters and those dropped by normal monsters that has a low drop rate. Specially the items needed for the following quests: PS: I sugggested this because it will be easier to sell items on the NPC without worrying whether you sold an important item or not.
  9. Oh wait, I forgot, about the chat log thingy, it's possible that it will not show on your chat log. Since on its script, in order to show it, you need to put a "disp" or something. So if they remove that, then the chat log problem will be solved. They could probably make an if-then statement for it, so I guess it will be fine.
  10. If the suggestion above doesn't work, maybe they could make a "mini activity token" which is given per X minute which can then be traded for the actual "activity token" at the rate of (60/X):1. I put the X in there so you could decide on the time it will be given. For example: For every 5 minutes, you will be given 1 mini activity token, then in order to trade it for 1 activity token, the formula would be 60/5 which is equal to 12 mini activity tokens. The only problem that this will cause is the received item spam that will be generated at the user's chat box. At any rate, +1 to this. PS: If my comprehension on the topic is correct, then maybe this will also generate the same result as what is intended by the topic starter.
  11. Granted, but the kids kept on smiling causing them to end up on a mental hospital. I wish I could fly.
  12. Check the Token Trader NPC at the Token Trader room found at left side of Forsaken City.
  13. If these is going to be implemented, the players should be able to choose whether to receive the announcement or not. This way, those people who are only interested in buying and selling won't be spammed by the announcements.
  14. If possible, could you tell me the prices for each of the Valkyrie Expansion Headgears? 'cause It's hard to check for it in-game.
  15. No, it is not the same. A Hero's Remains looks a lot like a vial or a liquid luck in the Harry Potter movie.
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