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Everything posted by Fauwfiets

  1. 1.2k Green
  2. SELLING / TRADING Proffessor Highness Proffessor Cursed Ring Green Butterfly Aurora Wishlist 2x Urds J.Rage
  3. SELLING: Stalker Blessed Ring Stalker SB ROP TRADING FOR: J.Rage 2x Urds
  5. Still I will not say that Preserve is a support skill for the Stalker. It's too important for the stalker to be a support skill. What you are saying about changing from FAS to DS is not true. Ofcourse it can change but his dmg will be from 20k - 40k down to 10k? also his stats for FAS are not the same as DS stats. Yes, you can change, but the whole fight the damage will be extreme low, and not enough damage to win the fight. And about your aggressive behavior about the soul link part. Something implemented doesn't mean it is leveled. It can become overpowered or underpowered. And because this is a custom server, with custom items etc. somethings are not leveled and thats why we also have this forum to make as a community the server perfect. I am just suggesting, maybe it is better to disable the dispell of the Preserve skill on the "Valkyrie Randgris" card. I hope some other people will answer :)
  6. You can't compare double bolt, true sight etc. with the Preserve skill. There is a very big difference between them. These skills are the support skills for certain classes. The preserve skill is the main skill for the stalker.(ofcourse with the combination of the other skills) It is good that professor/scholar has their dispell skill! I don't want that to be cancelled. But I would suggest, if possible ofcourse, that the card that gives dispell can't dispell the Preserve skill. *edit* About the lazyness of dual-client. I don't think this has anything to do with lazyness. I don't like to dual-client, because I think it is unfair! I never dual-client and I never will, not even for a FCP. Because if somebody dual-clients and get buffed up and say, lets duel 1v1. Then you are not 1v1! You already buffed of your duel-client so no this is not 1v1. You already have advantage of your "party member" buff.
  7. I want to bump this up again. Because these days everybody has a weapon with a dispell card in it. This means that or the stalker needs to get Soul-link all the time or needs to wear GTB.
  8. and what can you do against FAS? :p
  9. B> the following items! Cards 1x TAO 1x GR 1x Maya purple 1x Skoll 1x GTB Items 1x Legendary Champion Knuckles 2x Strenght belt 1x Valk helm leave IGN! AND price! Thanks, Fauwfiets
  10. thanks for the fast response. How is the professor class doing in PvP?
  11. Hi, I just joined the server few minutes ago. So far so good :) Everybody is really nice and I hope that it only will be better. But I got 1 question? Can I see somewhere what the most and the less played class is here? and what class is the best for pvp and mvp? Thanks, Fauwfiets :)
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