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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Snowmen

  1. No, all your equips will go on your inventory. You'll just have to equip them again.
  2. At least you can make the sprite move :o
  3. Looks good, 8/10
  4. Just wanted to bring this awesome picture back.
  5. 56 coupons. Edit: Nvm, used all my coupons on yggs.
  6. Looks better than mine. :o, Thanks. Even though I don't look like the pally in the sig you made. 10/10, cause I'm going to use it.
  7. I mean, I speak gangster language.
  8. I get that as well, just click ''Ok'' And the server will start. Or click the ''Forsaken Ragnarok Online.exe''. And Welcome!
  9. Spanish please. I don't understand ye, sorry for me terrible Irish.
  10. Nice guide, I can't talk though, since my Microphone is messed.
  11. Isn't it ''Tough Love''? Anyways, It is too red, but the rest are good, 8/10.
  12. I'm leaving ForsakenRo, for Ro2. I had a great time here, and especially PVPing with people. And I'd like to say thanks to: Sun Wukong, and Walshy.(or whatever you want to be called) Bye. P.S: I gave me stuff to my bro. (Radius)
  13. Snowmen

    yo, im back

    Welcome back.
  14. Snowmen


    Celestial's Recruiting Requirements: 1.) Must be active. 2.) You must be level 255. 3.) Any class are available(this means babies class too.) About Celestial: Celestial is a PVP base guild. which means we don't WoE. Rules: -Respect all players in the guild -No ganging -No spamming in the ''Guild'' Chat. Interested? PM: I Sacrifice You Or just leave your characters name here, and I'll PM you, when I feel like it.
  15. Took me an hour to finish my application. >_>
  16. What he said. 10/10
  17. Selling 2x Tao gunka for 20 coupons each or 2x orc lord card, PM: I Acid You
  18. For the first pic, you look like you have gray/white hair.
  19. 1/10 cause your Indian.
  20. 2 tao gunka's for 40 Donation coupons PM I Acid You
  21. Love the car one. Car>All
  22. 8/10, looks good, I just made it my desktop background.
  23. Snowmen

    Heyo :o

    Welcome to Forsaken-Ro & Enjoy your stay
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