I'm leaving ForsakenRo, for Ro2. I had a great time here, and especially PVPing with people.
And I'd like to say thanks to: Sun Wukong, and Walshy.(or whatever you want to be called)
P.S: I gave me stuff to my bro. (Radius)
Celestial's Recruiting Requirements:
1.) Must be active.
2.) You must be level 255.
3.) Any class are available(this means babies class too.) About Celestial:
Celestial is a PVP base guild. which means we don't WoE. Rules:
-Respect all players in the guild
-No ganging
-No spamming in the ''Guild'' Chat. Interested?
I Sacrifice You
Or just leave your characters name here, and I'll PM you, when I feel like it.