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About LoneFire

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    unknown, none existant

LoneFire's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. idk i dont play on my comp much. and i kind of find online rpgs a total waste of time. even thou somewhat amusing... so yeah i might come back to forsaken once in a while...

  2. LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEEE, YOUR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOOOOT, CMON LONE I MISSED YOU =[, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THIS TIME T_T, its me Stride btw, xD But seriously, What happened? I haven't seen you log on for like 5 months or sumthing =[ .

  3. when this comes out are you going to implement it Genesis?
  4. hmm i m getting some wierd error
  5. i missed what sounds like a good woe :o . :( how was it intenser than usual?
  6. leave offer or find me in game
  7. LoneFire


    buying qponz any amount just not too many XD but yeah buying qponz just pm me anytime i guess when i m on. currently playing on LoneHeart. so if u got to sell pm me and if i m online i will buy. if not leave offer here with your online char name and how much u got to sell.
  8. lol looks like being an admin is more complicated than i thought it was keep it up Genesis
  9. It was a good WOE seek took the castle last cause Influence was attacking at the same time you know last minute rush attack... dam we should have had the castle but it looks like Seek got lucky and hit the emp last :) . But still no hard felings good job everyone it was fun.
  10. 1.Influence/Bad Influence/Seek and Destroy <--looks like they r all equal in strength but my fav is influence 2.Pshyco Samurai 3.Good Soup 4.Scientology 5./desp
  11. hey genesis when r u going to implement ctf? cant wait to see it. i think you should after implement king of a hill and paintbal XD
  12. and i was just going to enjoy a relaxing pvp room annihilation with my guild fellows :( ... but hey it is for the greater good i guess...
  13. so when is the server going back up? XD cant wait for more new stuff. dam genesis you must be working non stop to bring all those new features in!
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