Wow your memory seems to really mislead you Mike. You should have that checked.
I was a GM on Helios for over 7 months. Yes i did most of the work there. I was the only GM there and i didnt want the server to fail, what more could i do?
I wasnt rejected by the community, i have no idea how you got that either. There was only 4-5 people on that server that didnt like me, and that was because they constantly needed to be told to stop breaking rules. They were the ones who told the admin i threatened to "ban" them. Their constant complaining about made up shit, was the real reason i was banned. Latheesan was tired of hearing their allegations. Which, again, was never proved because it never happened.
The only thing you have on me, to why you think it was good that i got fired, its a complete misconception of my past and a tiff me and bandit got into which only lasted for a day. Dont believe me? ask him yourself.