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About Saki

  • Birthday 05/22/1989

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Holy crap your still here?!


  3. "Then bad luck for you cause over here (Canada) its sunny, Iunno then go play a different game or do somethign that doesn't involve this topic flame LOL" I wish i lived in Canada. I have so many friend there now and all i hear is good things. Im so gonna move there one day.
  4. Its like a complete storm here, but its going on and off =/ I wish it would lightning! lightning is fun!
  5. "LOL then go play some ForsakenRO, even better go out =)!" :( Its raining out!
  6. This is only according to you. Who the hell would believe you? Did you play that server? No. Can you make up shit to make yourself look good? Of course. If you wanna play this game that way, i could say right now that you said a whole bunch of lies about the GMs here while you were a GM, that you abused and so on, and so on again. But why would i do that if it was a lie? Of course i wouldnt lie about something completely irrelevant. I dont need to make myself look good so that people will like me, unlike you. The only thing irrelevant in this topic, is that fact Damascus posts lies to make himself look good. This is about GM applications, not bash everyone to make Damascus look awesome. I have every right to defend myself.
  7. Wow your memory seems to really mislead you Mike. You should have that checked. I was a GM on Helios for over 7 months. Yes i did most of the work there. I was the only GM there and i didnt want the server to fail, what more could i do? I wasnt rejected by the community, i have no idea how you got that either. There was only 4-5 people on that server that didnt like me, and that was because they constantly needed to be told to stop breaking rules. They were the ones who told the admin i threatened to "ban" them. Their constant complaining about made up shit, was the real reason i was banned. Latheesan was tired of hearing their allegations. Which, again, was never proved because it never happened. The only thing you have on me, to why you think it was good that i got fired, its a complete misconception of my past and a tiff me and bandit got into which only lasted for a day. Dont believe me? ask him yourself.
  8. No, i told you that he was a GM on that server at one point. I never said he was the Admin because that would be a lie. The admins name is Latheesan and he never did a fucking thing. He would constantly code and script things for the server that would error everyone, and make Pinky, the Admin on the second half of the server, fix his mistakes. Latheesan is the most phail admin i have ever seen, or worked for, in my life.
  9. To Damascus: "Nostalgia had a horrible past and on a previous server she even threatened to ban anybody she wanted to ban when she went emo." I NEVER Banned anyone on my past servers (aside from bots) and never needed to threaten it. The entire server consisted of about 30 people, most of which was my friends. Hardly anyone ever abused anything so why would i do such a thing? Wow you get misleading info. "She fed lies to everybody in the server saying as to how ' Epic ' in our server was a GM over there and supposedly never did his work and made her do everything and supposedly framed her into being ' corrupt ' when she naturally was." Uhh.. that wasnt Epic. That was the Admin. Epic was a GM on that server for about a week until he quit. Get your info right before posting. "She was exiled from the server and then banned from being a GM after her threat to every player." I was fired and banned over 4 players alligations of doing that, which was never proved because it never happened. I was fired because of one of my friends being emo, changing his account password, FORGETTING IT, then blaming me for changing it. When i confronted him about this he realized his mistake, talked to the admin about it, hense PROVING i didnt do a fucking thing. The Admin blocked us because he didnt want to feel stupid. "Then soon she created the guild ' You Phail ' in this server and was getting aggrivated at Bandit for supposedly ' taking ' her members. She told him that the guild was ' everything ' she had in her life since this server was everything for her due to some real life issues. If your mind is so sick that you have to consider a game to be everything and go emotionally disrupt on everybody you simply don't have the qualifications to be a GM or hold a social / authorative position that will effect others." This is true. The only true thing in your entire post.
  10. Thanks again =)
  11. Thanks... =) I appreciate all of you, and you are all close to my heart for celebrating this day with me. I hope one day i can do something to make your days special also. Just PM/MSN/email me if you need anything =)
  12. I vote myself. And i would love to duel Icon or anyone else mentioned to see for myself who is the best. Me and Icon are the only ones who play High Wizard exclusively.
  13. SO CUTE!!!!!!!
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