Not exactly about this dispell junk. But Tarot is able to remove a stalker's buffs + preserve + Link even tho link protects All buffs on stalker. If this isnt going to be changed, i feel like Tarot Should Remove FCP too then.
This will make the server more balanced based on all the Dual Clients and Pre-Buffing. Leaving the ONLY class to be able to Re-FCP during a fight is Biochemist.
Fair but not OP - Not everyone gets unlimited FCP, Just Chemists that re-Fcp themselves. And Tarot has multiple outcomes, Unlike Dispell (So a fraction of a fraction of a chance to dispell FCP.)
And to remove fcp wouldnt be as simple as adding one card, but deciding on removing one of your Gears specifically to deal with FCP [Essentially making yourself weaker/more fragile for chance to remove FCP]