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About KristaXoX

KristaXoX's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Leave Prices, Quantities and In-Game names!
  2. Selling and/or Trading: 1000 Chivalry Emblems 1k:7 Aloe 100:1 Aquamarine 100:1 Cursed Ruby 100:2 Tree Root 100:1 Scorpion Tails 100:1 Skel-Bone 100:1 Mermaid Hearts 100:1 Fin 100:1 Stinky Scale 100:1 Hammer of Blacksmith 100:2 Necklace of Wisdom 100:2 Cobweb 100:1 Dragon canine/scale 100:1 Bug Leg 100:1 Horrendous Hair 100:1 Witch Star Sand 100:1 Fine-Grained / Solid Trunks 100:1 Flavoured Alcohol 100:1 Anolian Skin 100:1 Skull 100:1 Live Coals 100:1 Sharp Leaf 100:1 Poisonous Powder 100:1 Soft Blade of Grass 100:1 Huge Leaf 100:1 Spool 100:2 Crystal Fragment 100:2 Bloody Rune 200:1 Clattering Skull 100:1 MVP Loots/Cards Breath of Spirit 1:5tk Piece of Darkness 1:3tks Bobbin of Goddess 1:3tks Broken Crown 1:3tks Magic Stone 1:3tks Thor's Gaunts 1:3tks Andvari's Magic Ring 1:3tks Small snow flower 1:3tks Odin arm pc. 1:3tks Loki's Staff 1:3tks Shoes of Vidar 1:3tks Elixir Alf 1:2tks Vesper Sniper MVP High Priest MVP ESL Garm Arc Angeling Dark Lord Maya Orc Hero Pharaoh Drake Dracula Mistress Eddga Selling / Trading SkullAura Legend Blue Zod Leave In-Game's i'll try to hit you up.
  3. Not exactly about this dispell junk. But Tarot is able to remove a stalker's buffs + preserve + Link even tho link protects All buffs on stalker. If this isnt going to be changed, i feel like Tarot Should Remove FCP too then. This will make the server more balanced based on all the Dual Clients and Pre-Buffing. Leaving the ONLY class to be able to Re-FCP during a fight is Biochemist. Fair but not OP - Not everyone gets unlimited FCP, Just Chemists that re-Fcp themselves. And Tarot has multiple outcomes, Unlike Dispell (So a fraction of a fraction of a chance to dispell FCP.) And to remove fcp wouldnt be as simple as adding one card, but deciding on removing one of your Gears specifically to deal with FCP [Essentially making yourself weaker/more fragile for chance to remove FCP]
  4. KristaXoX

    Buying Lk Mvp

    On in game Iya with a alt 0160 at end of name.
  5. Lbio Lprof L linker Devi hat15 stats 15 reduce [1] Dwar Dwiz Knights pcs and sets 1k+ cobwebs Pm in game Iya With alt 0160 at end of name.
  6. When you wear kings shield and devi it says [damage reduction deactivated]. Tested with kings / knights shield, knights reduces more. Hat doesnt say anything about not stacking with kings / frigs ( where powering tower does). i thought i upgraded from poring tower to devi hat but maybe not?
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