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Everything posted by neorics

  1. meh, even if you did that, the price would only be high on the first month or so and then it would also go down... there's nothing you can do about it, it's how markets work.... supply and demand rule!
  2. for me i think, the mall and the vendors should not be at the same place... and seriously, the mall is too small for vendors... they should find a place where the vendors could set up in a very neat way without overlapping each other's pubs a good example would be, along the streets of prontera, they could only vend on the sidewalk with 1 cell appart going down from the center to the bottom... now wouldn't that be nice to see?
  3. hey, even the vote CP is connected to the database isn't that right? besides it would just be querying the info on the database... no insert or anything... i could PM you with examples of it on other Pservers if you want some ideas... actually, i found it really hard to search for items info because the some info on the website are not accurate and some are actually outdated... also, some items are missing some critical info like which part of the headgear it's supposed to go, the slot it has etc however if we have that item database then there's no need to update the wiki as much as often, the items database would be automatically updated as the items in game get updated as well futheremore, i believe some info from rms is not accurate for our server here...
  4. hokay.. scratch the vend with tokens then ^_^ can we just please have the @whosells command? thanks ^_^
  5. aight, thanks for the info :)
  6. what are the benefits of doing the citizenship, save santa, forsaken soldier and elite stat quests? there seems to be a guide how to do them on the wiki but they didn't say what you'll get when you finish them
  7. there are scripts already available for it, can be easily implemented... and i have played an RO that was able to vend using tokens so yah it's possible...
  8. i've used this command in other Pservers where it checks all the vendors for a specific item and lists all the vendors that sells that item, what it shows is their pub name and their coordinates i'm sure there's an available script for it somewhere... hope to see it here in fRO Edit: You can also see the prices for each vendor
  9. The server should have it's own website based item database... something similar to ratemyserver.net but not as huge.. of course the database would use the actual game's item database so that all items including FRO exclusives are in it.. i know we have the list of exclusive items but they're really not that helpful and is hard to browse, at least if we have the database we could have a checkbox to search only fro exclusive items and also see the scripts of the items...
  10. I'm sure there are already many scripts around for implementing a complete database for items along with their intensive information so I don't see why Forsaken shouldn't have one.
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