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Everything posted by KrimsoN

  1. PyschoSamuraiz back? im an ex member got kiked coz it got disbanded last year O.o
  2. ooo wen i fix my com add mi to guild
  3. im an old member. pyshcowarriors?
  4. i am interested but not rite now coz my com is f*ked
  5. can i join ur guild?
  6. oh man disbanded. well tym to look for another guild.
  7. happy birth day :D

  8. how come no one on saturday :o PsychoSamuraiz ftw~
  9. get on FRO ==' u haven't been on for a month i think =='

  10. KrimsoN

    Hi guys :D

  11. KrimsoN

    Hi guys :D

    WAAHH TYTYTY xD just how much i love Fro im donating xD
  12. KrimsoN

    Jokes website

    ohh lol
  13. KrimsoN

    Jokes website

    omfg pisses mi off lol tried to corss it then a msg comes up preess ok keeps on coming
  14. alrite god dam all wiped out all rite champ getting chased by a mob of skolls wat a noob :D remember this R.e.D dun mind my writing its paint...
  15. Hi Mr.Orange remember me? Krimson Assassin. How come i never see u on anymore :|
  16. KrimsoN

    Hi guys :D

    Hi guys. This is my first tym playing RO so im a noobie at playing xD anyways my main is Krimson Assassin and i make a lot of mistakes wen playing and wow so many ppl play that are way older dan mi :o im 10 and im turning 11 2 days tym xD xD
  17. welcome to forsaken ro :D
  18. WDF U GUYS R RLY OVA MY AGE im 10 years old O.O
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