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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Heigou

  1. Hard to say, outside of "Heigou" which I'm fairly sure I stopped using some time in the past on this server, it's been so long that I don't remember what IGNs I played under back in the days. Haven't got around downloading the game again because I've been busy this week so didn't even get to check what characters I have ingame right now.
  2. Haven't played since probably, '08 I'd say? Just wondering if there's still old names from back then around, I suddenly got hit by nostalgia and remembered how much fun I was having with RO and this server.
  3. 192 heh
  4. Haven't played for really long and I guess I'll be back for a bit, so yeah I'm just saying Hi to the new players I guess since I see absolutely no names that I remember. My ingame is the exact same thing as my username here.
  5. Typing all in caps won't really get you anywhere, so do like those other peoples said and go make a ticket.
  6. Heigou

    About card slots

    Gotten from either donating for donation coupons or winning an event for event coupons.
  7. Heigou


    so you're saying that he won't open the NyH this year only because the price for it in coupons will drop? lolol
  8. Yeah, my point :V
  9. I wouldn't call logging on once in awhile to pvp and stuff quitting. How about a proper gtfo'ing :3 Edit: Oh wait, attention whore.
  10. Heigou


    Cookies aren't dangerous.
  11. Heigou

    Dioblo III

    0.8 and 0.9 were the prime of the game as you say, no bullshit overpowered runeword.
  12. For posting a list like that :V
  13. Heigou


    The only worth private server I found was 333 WoW. Personally I think sargeras is the best retail server for pvp <3 We on sargeras got some of the most hardcore pvp'er. Out of the top 20 pvper in my battlegroup like 10 of em come from sargeras. and sargeras was always known for it's hardcore and awesome PVP history and how we got some of the most hardcore player :P I got paladin level 70. I mean Healadin motherfucker.
  14. Heigou

    Deus Ex

    It was released for free on gametap. It sucks cause I bought the game for like 20$ a day earlier D:
  15. Heigou

    I'm back!

    Oh, hai.
  17. You mean the fact that you fail?
  18. I remember playing FF IX only to see Vivi kickasses in the cutscene when he fought the black mage on the plane thingy :P
  19. Dynasty warrior is the shit <3
  20. As much as I like canada, that made me Lol. Good job damascus.
  21. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LOLOMG I PWNJOO
  22. Canada's stronger then U.S? It depend. Army wise U.S clearly is superior to us, but I'm not sure about other thingy. Also arcane yes maple's from Canada :V
  23. How do you think he got that post count?
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