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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Lugia

  1. I backslide cause your wearing WS or your ganging me^^ Ilu too <3
  2. Half way right im tired of E-Whores that talk alot of mess.
  3. Ok miss little CyberSaki talks a whole bunch of mess sayin stuff like "OMG I got a real BF that takes me places and MArquez Fuk off" or sum stuff like that. Im just tired of all these desparate people tryna get sum E-Penis and think their the shyt. Its just retarded. Well Saki if you wanna talk then talk while i got this :D. Check Face and Enjoy. also bandit dont talk you was all up in the E-Bab last night.
  4. I only heard of the baby Rouge in pvp thats it. Im not talkin bout lil baby chars that run around in town that try to act cute cause their a eraser size smaller than everyone, im talkin about baby chars that actually in Donation or Non Donor pvp that wrecks people.
  5. Lugia

    My car

    my why beyond Stock =/ both of them pushing over 290hp for a fact.
  6. Lugia

    My car

    Pooorrrr DSM ; ;
  7. Lugia

    My car

    99 eclipse GSX AWD 97 Eclipse GST Spyder
  8. Man your rouge pawned i remeber him lol
  9. Lugia

    My car

    MY Eclipse > VW. Also there is already a post your car thread.
  10. Im sorry but i have to say this. IF you gay your gay woopty do but the biggest thing i hate about gay peopl elike him is that they just flonne their gaynest everywhere. Im sorry its just what hes doin is just Ignorant.
  11. my baby pawnz yalls yall never seen a 30k Holy Cross like mine >:D
  12. Awwwz my niggaz good luck seee you on WoW too :D im finna donate tommorow too.
  13. Lugia

    Anime Freaks

    ........Im sorry to offend you its just i dont like seeing nerds kill the rep of my favorite shows. Meh O well. If im not wanted here then your not either cause its free post for everyone. kthxbai
  14. Lugia

    Anime Freaks

    My Point Proovin.
  15. Lugia

    Anime Freaks

    Im sorry but its sad to see when anime geeks dress up as ur favorite anime character. You look back on your life and think, geez why do people throw their lives away from little things people draw =/? ehh.
  16. I think you should keep your personal life to yourself.
  17. NOw if you cant get banned for the lil 2 word thing now then imma talk as much smash to anyone like to Pinkness and that fake defect nga Parania. O well. Gen you have out done urself. This server Indeeds Pawnzor the flying fuck outta namelessRO. You actually got things in work. I give you ur bars >:D.
  18. Top Ten baby Classes you see in PVP that wrecks hard. 1) Celebi (Baby Sader) - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
  19. 1)Pinkness (The 12 year old girl that dont know when to stfu) 2) Saki (Online Hoe's dont work) 3)Vortex( King of Gangers) 4)Cail (Annoying repeating nub) 5)NesCafe (Same as Cail 6)Sweet Child (Brainless Child) 7)Tuer (Cause she hates my 130% Reflect) 8) Sakura (Cause....i just dont like her) 9)Creator ( Hes just Cail but nubbier) 10) GM Genesis (Cause i never pawnt him befor in Forsaken D:)
  20. I said the sum thing a couple of post above lolz
  21. i r a happy black man! Hai Genesis. And Those Hitsugaya Bankai Wings rox. Lemme donate so i can get a pair of those!
  22. if things turn around befor i quit ill stay but i highly doubt that will happen
  23. Black Man president ftw!
  24. Man. quitting tho iono even know anymore.
  25. i mean from the people in game. i wat it adds up to its like 150$ gas for me is 4.00 D:
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