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Everything posted by Elicit

  1. yes, i want to know how much it costs to donate for.
  2. Elicit


    I've read a few topics and they said it usually takes a few hours. More like 36...
  3. Elicit


    Yep. Did it all yesterday.
  4. Elicit


    How long does it usually take to receive items? I've almost waited a whole day, getting kind of impatient.
  5. Elicit

    Star Gladiator

    I've wanted to make a SG for a while so I plan on doing it, but first I'd like to know if they're decent in PvP/WoE. Also, never heard of it, but there's a few topics about TK Rankers. What exactly are they and are they better than Star Gladiators? Thank you, :laughingsmiley:
  6. New wings like these:
  7. I think all of those sound like very good suggestions. I have yet to see a SG on this server.
  8. Elicit

    PC> GR card

    PC on GR card please :)
  9. Elicit

    PC> GTB Card

    Price check on GTB please :smile_anim:
  10. Can I get a PC please? Thanks in advance.
  11. Not sure but I think it's 3:1
  12. Nupe.
  13. Alright, so I need a good Paladin build with equips for PvP. Any help please? Thanks in advance.
  14. There's quite a bit of people saying the MvPing is a very fast way to make money. I beg to differ. Maybe it's just me, but I've killed about 20 MvPs now and have gotten no cards. In fact, the only cards I ever get are Angeling cards, which sell for almost nothing. Maybe I just have very bad luck, but It's not nearly as fast as you guys are making it out to be.
  15. Price check on Death Angel Wings please. Thank you.
  16. Pin! You should also include pics if you can, so we don't vote to get the item just to find out we don't like its appearance...
  17. Can anyone please tell me what stats the Valk helmet has and where the quest NPC is?
  18. OK, thanks.
  19. How much does it cost?
  20. Elicit

    Player Kill

    Ok, thanks
  21. Elicit

    Player Kill

    Is there a way to turn it off?
  22. Okay, thanks for clarifying.
  23. I did. They said Orc Warriors drop the vouchers. They don't. I haven't tried any others because @whodrops says none of them are dropped. Am I wrong about this? EDIT: Nevermind I'm stupid. lol. Close please
  24. Alright, so I found all the customs quests with the help of the forums, and I looked through them and found the Dragon Aurora quest. I suppose that's the orage dragon-shaped thing that moves around when your character walks? Anyways, I looked at the items and they seemed simple enough because I know where basically all of them come from... only, on this server, they don't come from those monsters. So where exactly DO I get Orcish Vouchers, Evil Horns, Skulls and a Smoking Pipe? I haven't checked YoYo Tails yet because I hope to god they haven't changed those to not being dropped by YoYos. That just wouldn't make any sense. Please help, thanks. EDIT: Apparently, according to @whodrops, they DID change YoYo Tails -.-
  25. Elicit


    Hey there. I'm new to this server and have only played one other server, so I guess i'm still a bit new to the whole experience of this game. But whatever. I've read reviews about this server on RateMyServer and it seems interesting and fun. Other MMORPGs i've played have had both good and bad class balance, which is really annoying, along with a bad economy or unfriendliness. This servers seems to have good ratings in all of those and more! So why not give it a try? Also, I love PvP. This is also why I hate unbalanced classes, seriously, and love the idea of "No donation-exclusive items". So i've been playing this game for about 2 days now, just noticed this section of the forums and since i'm still pretty new to the server, I decided to say hello. I love friendly people and hate people who piss me off. As you may have guessed, i'm "okay" with people I don't really have an opinion of, however I try to be as nice as possible at all times. I've seen many different, cool looking customs that weren't on the other server I was on, and I would like to know what they're called if it's possible. Lets see, so there's this thing (I think it's mid-body) that floats around avatars that seems to have something like runes on it? Also, some aura thing that moves when avatars do. If you could, please tell me what they're called? I would like to know if it's possible to beat a person who uses donation items and stuff (Forsaken King set, Valkyrie Helmet, and other donation items) with non-donation equipment (no certain set in mind...). It seems near impossible since the donation items seem to have great mods. On another note, i've seen people advertising equips who use only numbers for prices? What exactly does that mean? Are they talking about millions of zenny or donation coupon/some other type of currency? Lastly I would like to thank anyone who has read all this for just that and hope to get replies and answers as well as meet nice people. :laugh: ~ Thank you
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