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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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About Walshy

  • Birthday 02/20/1992

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Guardian (5/10)



  1. Happy birthday, fruitbag.

  2. Happy Birthday Tyler. (:

  3. Walshy

    Bye Walshy.

    Heyy, I havn't been on in a long time, and i finnaly came back on, only to realize everything was gone. So, me being lazy, i'm not gonna regain my gear, i'm just gonna say my goodbyes. I hope you all have a good time playing Fro. My last Ro server. If you want to chat, add my msn, [email protected] So one last time. Byee. =] Love, Tyler, A.K.A Walshy.
  4. they took ''fucking'' out of there. that's not nice =[
  5. Good luck. don't feel like applying this time
  6. i didnt play in like two weeks. so i rocked pvp pretty damn hard.
  7. I Lol'd!!
  8. I love how people go OMG CREATORS RUN PVP, whe na smart player can nullify their damage to zilch.
  9. is a 7 foot purple dinasour he walks paths masturbating to little children who are riding red tricycles popping the front wheel off the ground
  10. Dom's a 9. LOL LEXIS.
  11. Creators are toast? LOLOLOLOL.
  12. Bumpz0rs
  13. Oh shit. o.o. So does that mean your kids are mine? Shit dude, i thought we were using protection ;[
  14. Walshy


    it's true charlotte. 30% reduct to all elements except shadow and the 100% reduct of holy damage is a exception
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