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y u mad

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Everything posted by y u mad

  1. it's so weird being back.... no idea how to play anymore. LOL fml

  2. Nothing like a call with Elith guys. They're awesome! <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. y u mad

      y u mad

      DO IT!!! Also, nothing like being woken up in a skype call at random times during the night. LOL

    3. Aerynth
    4. y u mad

      y u mad

      Why the sad face? >:

  3. y u mad

    Everyday Rage

    Can't drink coffee, it makes my heart palpate. I have temazepam 25mg, which is a controlled substance sleeping medication. Took one yesterday because I couldn't sleep, it knocked me out around midnight. Woke up at 4am for about 2 mins then knocked back out. When I woke up in the morning to go to work, I was in a zombie-like state the whole day and falling asleep. I nearly fell asleep taking a damn shower, HOT shower, mind you. xD
  4. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ngjv6sEXKU[/media]
  5. y u mad

    Everyday Rage

    Just where you can rage about stupid stuff. Nothing offensive or GM staff related please. I will definitely start this. Get up for work: 7:30am, bus: 8:10am, start work: 9am-5pm. Problem? CAN'T...SLEEP. Insomnia is trolling my body. Body= I'm tired, time to sleep. Insomnia= "LOLNOSLEEP4U" I...I just...want to sleep. Nearly walked into the damn door at work today because I've been getting 3 hours of sleep if that much for the last few days. Not to mention adding dizziness to zombie-like state. Fml.
  6. I heard Kawaii Panda hat. +1
  7. First day of work already... bah!

  8. Hiiii, I'm new here too. Maybe we can play together!? :D
  9. I'm sure you'll find all of them, good luck!!!
  10. Merry Xmas! :D I-is it bad that...I head tilted at the kirby thingy just to get it, and still don't get it? ;~; && Merry Xmas. :3
  11. Now accepting your FREE kawaii headdies!!!~ ;o <3

  12. Thanks, there's so many...I don't even know where to start! XD Thankies! Club?! Where do I sign up? ;D
  13. Thanks again! :D
  14. Gotcha. Any tips for the best ways to hunt, in your opinion? High Wizard, or champ, or sniper?
  15. Thank you so much. +_+ I'm one of those kawaii headdies maniacs, not to mention that the elite and the forsaken quests got me confused since I was trying to figure out how to do the elite quests. I read in ONE topic that you need to have it before becoming a Forsaken Knight, then in another topic that you can't do the elite quests anymore. FINALLY I found the wiki and saw that the elite quests have been taken out? So confusing!!! :'D
  16. Since I joined the forums, I've tried finding all of the useful quests for the customs but can't seem to do it unless I search and it pops up 400+ pages of archived stuff. Is there any way to get a topic linking the quests in it. Was it always like this? It's really hard to find stuff with the way it is right now.
  17. Where are all the quest topics? D:

    1. Bishop


      Wiki section. :)

  18. Hi everyone, I just joined. Downloading this server as we speak and boy am I excited! I haven't played ro in a while, so it might take me some time to get used to it again. Any and all help would be appreciated and very much welcomed. Hopefully we'll all become great friends soon. :D
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