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y u mad

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y u mad last won the day on December 29 2012

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About y u mad

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  1. it's so weird being back.... no idea how to play anymore. LOL fml

  2. Nothing like a call with Elith guys. They're awesome! <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. y u mad

      y u mad

      DO IT!!! Also, nothing like being woken up in a skype call at random times during the night. LOL

    3. Aerynth
    4. y u mad

      y u mad

      Why the sad face? >:

  3. y u mad

    Everyday Rage

    Can't drink coffee, it makes my heart palpate. I have temazepam 25mg, which is a controlled substance sleeping medication. Took one yesterday because I couldn't sleep, it knocked me out around midnight. Woke up at 4am for about 2 mins then knocked back out. When I woke up in the morning to go to work, I was in a zombie-like state the whole day and falling asleep. I nearly fell asleep taking a damn shower, HOT shower, mind you. xD
  4. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ngjv6sEXKU[/media]
  5. y u mad

    Everyday Rage

    Just where you can rage about stupid stuff. Nothing offensive or GM staff related please. I will definitely start this. Get up for work: 7:30am, bus: 8:10am, start work: 9am-5pm. Problem? CAN'T...SLEEP. Insomnia is trolling my body. Body= I'm tired, time to sleep. Insomnia= "LOLNOSLEEP4U" I...I just...want to sleep. Nearly walked into the damn door at work today because I've been getting 3 hours of sleep if that much for the last few days. Not to mention adding dizziness to zombie-like state. Fml.
  6. I heard Kawaii Panda hat. +1
  7. First day of work already... bah!

  8. Hiiii, I'm new here too. Maybe we can play together!? :D
  9. I'm sure you'll find all of them, good luck!!!
  10. Merry Xmas! :D I-is it bad that...I head tilted at the kirby thingy just to get it, and still don't get it? ;~; && Merry Xmas. :3
  11. Now accepting your FREE kawaii headdies!!!~ ;o <3

  12. Thanks, there's so many...I don't even know where to start! XD Thankies! Club?! Where do I sign up? ;D
  13. Thanks again! :D
  14. Gotcha. Any tips for the best ways to hunt, in your opinion? High Wizard, or champ, or sniper?
  15. Thank you so much. +_+ I'm one of those kawaii headdies maniacs, not to mention that the elite and the forsaken quests got me confused since I was trying to figure out how to do the elite quests. I read in ONE topic that you need to have it before becoming a Forsaken Knight, then in another topic that you can't do the elite quests anymore. FINALLY I found the wiki and saw that the elite quests have been taken out? So confusing!!! :'D
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