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Everything posted by life30

  1. Tis is a funny question...u can all the answer from the wikipedia from this forsoken ro website .. Please use it xD
  2. Noo ... I think GM should not implement the mvp room becoz mvp card is onli the way to help tis server grow .. Think if u can get a mvp card in the mvp room den who else going to buy the TOKEN xD
  3. LOL .. seriously i do not know about it becoz newbie here .. anyway thank you for ur info so much much lol hahaha . .that is funny .. now only WE know xD ...
  4. please dont reset .. if not u will regret .. i just noticed it .. really waste my afford to collect the 1k chivalry emblem .. what a waste once i reset i din get back the extra + 200 stat from forsaken knight quest .. arghh .. sad
  5. I just notice the knight quest is really useless. .. As u guys know if u finish up this quest we will get an extra + 200 stats point rite .. but when u RESET it .. the extra + 200 stat point that we get from knight quest it GONE .. RELI FTW >.< .. sad .. waste my time to do the quest ..
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