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Everything posted by massacre09

  1. You guys do know that, dex is essential to MATK stalkers and Stalkers can wield bows plus has Double Strafe. I'm new to this server but i've been playing ro for a very long time and i might say Stalker is my fave' among all the classes. Stalkers has counters to any given situations trust me just think and you'll find a way :'>
  2. It's good among guildees but will affect the general community, Pre-set towns will be empty. But still Cool if someone wants to adopt me :D
  3. Totally disagree, Like the others said it will render MVP-ing useless plus if you put restrictions like zeny toll for it, New players like won't even going to benefit from it. :/
  4. I really can't figure out what is the problem with the stripping snipers, why don't just create a creo and FCP yourself dual client is permitted here. Plus this is a high rate server you can make a creo enough to have FCP in a jippy plus if you got no time to farm for bottles have you never heard of creo card set?
  5. I'm new to this server yet been gone for the holidays xD, good thing i'm back now. So is this implemented already? If it is on what grounds?
  6. Sorry about that but i don't really intend to have this for a WS but for the def one i guess its good for WS.
  7. well I think its better to have that demi-human effect maybe it should be reduced maybe to 5% if you think 12% is OP.
  8. Apparently Veracity mentioned that it has no way to obtain it right now, Yes i'm aware of that quest with the Great Demon Baphomet but some NPCs are missing(or maybe i just missed it when trying to scout it) so i can't really tell, Plus its only the def one. It's better to have maybe a custom quests for this 2 horns. And about it's effect i'll go by just +100 ATK and its demi-human effect. In my opinion adding an anti freeze effect to it is already OP so i won't support that. Hope more people with share their ideas on its effect and also on how to acquire the item thanks.
  9. Hello! ~ I've been playing Ro for so long now and but it's my first time playing on this server. I've been less than a day playing and I already love the community especially the Staffs. Plus the it has a good server setup in terms of the gameplay. This being said i guess i'll be staying at this server for a very very long time.... See yah in game guys ~
  10. Well i think this item is already known but sadly not implemented on this server. May i suggest for this item to be implemented on this server. Here's the link for the item being proposed: http://ratemyserver....&isearch=Search Well i already ask Veracity about this topic but she suggested for me to post it here so everyone could see. With its default effect i agreed with her that it will be an OP item so i'm suggesting to limit its effect maybe max of +100 to ATK. About how to obtain the item, I suggest maybe for it to be a MVP drop. Dropped by Baphomet or still maybe a quest in which you have to obtain the majestic goat or any item in which only Baphomet drop as a component for it to be completed. Please feel free to post your ideas about it, thanks.
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