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About mpafbr

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Well just one thing i noticed that on L. Gauntlet. the description says like: "Legendary Mix Gauntlet A: Str/Agi/Vit +15. Max HP +3%" but still i think none of those gauntlets have the 3% hp max, i tested taking it off and putting it on, my hp stays the same. is it a mistake over the description or a technical mistake in-game?
  2. prolly tomorrow i'll be online.

  3. On game at char: Merki =D

  4. ummm k, thinking in this way, he has some value, but more of a suportive char well gonna try my luck, later i up gear something else! thx guys! helped a lot both of you
  5. mpafbr

    This Or That?

    Naaa Play all day! xD Beach or Bitch?
  6. naaa i'm saying like for pvp or woe, he has no value? i'm alredy with some silver cards, gr, knights set, l wep and glaut. build is fine too all good, but for the pvp and woe has any tips on build or something that maybe work ? i feel sad for gearing up him for nothing less them just farming
  7. Well, i'm still starting but for what i can see, not so many wizz around. for the ppl that are playing this game for some time, is it still viable for pvp? i'll be haging myself to it anyway, so any tips to a narrow path would be awnsome hehe see u guys in game!
  8. for real?? no effort, no fun haha
  9. old guild, old friends just hanging out... i know the feeling! try reaching the others by facebook, i'm trying to make some of mine old mates enter FRO lol gl there!
  10. hi! thx guys! didn't quite get this part hehehe
  11. yo! thx a lot veracity! haha by now i'm just looking for the easiest way to get red dyestuff haha but that's not really an issue when i have one i'll prolly swing on by!
  12. alredy had a chat other day with Frost and other gms from events, u guys are really dedicated, thx for the ettention =)
  13. Pleasure to meet all in forum! I've played some others servers and even original a lonng time ago (like before reborn exists and stuff) still getting used to this server but liking it a lot i usually would use Merti as my char's name but in this server i use Merki =) alredy grabbed one glat leg weap knights and stuff, now going for zod prolly wish me luck! Cya all there!
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