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    Candy Land

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    ForsakenRO GM Team

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. *spasses out of control* NUUUUUUUUUU My computer crashed T^T Q-Q TTATT WHYY...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frost


      O////o Meow. And virus protections sometimes delete the game to D: Which is just horrible x~x

    3. thePast


      Oh, good to hear that it's fixed.

      && o-o; wow, weird anti-virus xD

    4. Justice
  2. Sick x~x.. I hate those sick days

  3. Frost here wishing everyone a happy holiday. I hope you guys rip through the presents for the fun of it. ^-^;

  4. French toast gives you weird dreams x~x...

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      That's why never trust the toasts from the French :P

    2. Frost


      But I made it D:

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      Well if you've eaten French

      Toast then don't dream at all xD

  5. Taking a break for now ._. Really need it.

  6. *stares at the moon* There's always something lovely about the moon. It just gives a nice radiant glow.

  7. Usually it's based on two different time sets. It's either from bla ~ bla ... It can spawn on that time or in the middle of the time, or even at the end. Just be patient as well.. Sometimes people kill the mvp right when it spawns. It's hard to find mvps when others have the exact time when it will spawn. That's all I can give. Hope this knowledge comes in handy!
  8. *stares at my computer* RAWRRRRRRR!!! Just woke up

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      Welcome back from the sleepy world :3

  9. Eating me some popeyes Mhmm.. *omnomnomnom*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frost


      D: nuuu T^T.. Nvm, you can have it.. *looks at crumbs that you swiped from me*

    3. Lilith~


      ._. *gives you a cookie*

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Takes the cookie*onomnomnom later replace with bacon strip :P

  10. Oh my gosh, NO! TPBM has coding issues.
  11. To the people that joined for todays Guess that Monster Event, I would like to apologize for the issues in the beginning of the event, me and [GM]Katsura has ran into. Also, please realize, that we are still new. In the end, everything worked out fine.

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      You guys were awsome for your first time hosting :), so keep up the good work at hosting event :3

    2. Decode


      I'm pretty sure you guys did well, as you stated you are new and mistakes are there to be committed and learn from them... Keep up the good work and always remember to keep your head held high!

    3. thePast


      It's okay, frost! :D Just keep up the good work! :3

  12. Okay, I'm awake. *rubs my eyes* Mom woke me up cooking breakfast D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frost


      Good morning to you to.

    3. masterneil


      Morning? Night here.. Morning:3

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Good morrow :3, make it snow :p

  13. I highly doubt that there will be an issue, I'm pretty sure that it will not get you in trouble, unless there are other people that goes by the name besides you, and usually you can't have the same name. But, if you're unaware of it, and/or have any concerns you are able to remake characters. It only takes a few minutes to level up if you ask someone in ForsakenRO to help you out. Other then that I hope that I have helped you with this issue. Hope to see you in game and welcome back to ForsakenRo
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