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Everything posted by wilsonharry

  1. what build to make a sniper attack 20k+ crit or higher?
  2. is it same with the time in ratemyserver? I tried and waited. I think its different..
  3. Are the MVP respawn time originally the same or the game have another time?
  4. hi, any one have a rucksack guide?
  5. where is the best place to hunt wooden heart and elastic band? cause I get so less monster on um maps
  6. when i become a knight elite i gain some extra stats points, but after i reset my stats again i loss those points and even loss some of my own... what's the problem?
  7. thanks alot sorry for the noob questions....
  8. whats the different? how can i purchase vote item?
  9. where's the ELITE KNIGHT quest guide?
  10. i mean what is Accumulated Vote Points 0 …you need 1 more point(s) for 1 credit(s) How can i purchase the items?
  11. Hi, I don't understand how the vote system works. It show here I voted 10 times but accumutated vote poins still 0 and 1 more point(s) for 1 credit What does that mean? Current Credit Balance 10 Accumulated Vote Points 0 …you need 1 more point(s) for 1 credit(s)
  12. i don't get it, he npc said you need to be an elite knight to do the quest, but isn't it the elite quest was already removed?
  13. so where is this for_elite?
  14. thanks!! that solve it!
  15. my agi is 150+ but attack speed is 170 and flee goes down thanks alot! newbie here, great help
  16. Is there a stats reset in the game?
  17. hi my char butteryn sniper has a agi stats error and my char butterya cham is warp on a map that has error that I can't login help me pls
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