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Everything posted by wilsonharry

  1. Hi, I would like to ask what happened to the thanatos summoning room? Why doesn't it notify when its open or when it opens?
  2. Im doing the quest, I need people to party with to finish the gates of hel. feel free to join me leave your name and will discuss a time to go online
  3. Im doing the a quest and it said to hunts cloud essence and I type in @whodrops cloud essence but nothing came up. I was wondering what is it?
  4. I tried to login my old account and tried password for so many times that the server rejects me. When can i login again?
  5. Add me as friend to buy more in the future
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  6. I was wondering if the MVPs that you cannot summon in the MVP rooms, are they still in their prespective maps?
  7. Hi, I'm newbie here. Are all MVP boss not located in their perspective maps anymore? if there's an MVP room where is it?
  8. and where might the thanatos room be? thankyou
  9. Hi! I'm newbie, i wonder how do you summon the thanatos now? since you cannot warp to thana_boss anymore
  10. I saw alot of sniper killing thana with focus strike damaging around 200k-400k, im a noob so... can any one show me the build..
  11. no i don't think the @whodrops works, still figuring who drops letters to santa
  12. i found it at xmas_dun01, anyway who drops letters to santa?
  13. same here! stuck at goblin ignoring me..... please give some guide.... tnx!
  14. i am in forsaken xmas town but cant find the npc santa's helper any where in the map and also inside the houses
  15. where is the npc santa's helper? for_xmasin 159 38 but where in the map since this map cannot be warp
  16. some said 1 hr others 2hrs whats the real deal?
  17. I can summon again the thanatos after 1 hour it was kill? or what time?
  18. where to get master forger card?
  19. can anyone give me a guide on doing this?
  20. are all the items from vote non transferable?
  21. i found the 3 thief
  22. STUCK AT 16 Bring 400 Feathers 300 Iron 100 Soft Silks 100 Bags of Grain 100 Coals 50 Delivery Packages 50 Dried Fruit Boxes 50 Roast Rice Cakes 25 Flavored Alcohol 25 Bags of Gold Coins 10 Battered Kettles 1 Oridecon Anvil I got all things but he still wont accept it
  23. thanks i tried @whodrops before didnt work
  24. where do you get 1 Legendary Encyclopedia [2] and 1 Legendary Book of Charms for the quest of L weapon?
  25. is it possible to autoloot 2 items at a time?
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