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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. Queensberry.
  2. 70 Psy, 67 RM, 64 BP & some 50's. I always get bored after a week or two. xD;
  3. Stop filling all topics with junk, Communism. Warn level risen.
  4. I vote for Kingdom. No, I don't. Lulz. -Closed-
  5. Did you just try to warrant pregnancy abortion by the fact Hitler killed millions of people for no reason?
  6. If they're true christians, they should know, jesus forgives any sin if you truly regret it. No, I'm not a Christian, I'm an agnostic.
  7. Can't get enough of you anyways. <33333 You're as cute as always, ilu ser. <33333333
  8. Can't... resist... nosejoke.... However. Warnlevel risen. Please refrain from flaming each others. It's not necessary & just fills this ( and other ) thread(s) with trash. Thank you.
  9. Aaand re-reclosed. :>
  10. You made my face go o_O. Winner is Nitemare92. Congrats Jay. -Closed-
  11. They were so cute. <3 Come on! <3
  12. Lol me too. Anyways; Welcome to ForsakenRO! Enjoy your stay. ^______^
  13. Would take for eeeeeever. But wouldn't it be possible to make every player receive coma every ~0.1 second on that specific map? I've got no idea of C. QQ Edit: Well.. GTB might be a problem. QQ
  14. This is sooooooooooooooo cute. (: <3
  15. Fixed links! ;D. Looks pretty nice. (:
  16. Thread cleaned.
  17. You really made me laught out loud. xD

    Missed you. <3 nohomo

  18. I can't just eat your warn. ):

    But thanks for the stars. ;D

  19. Really not bad. Me liek. ^______^
  20. It's so awesome, isn't it? ;D.

  21. My vote goes to the flame launcher priest because I really think the first sig's a bit plain. ;_;
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