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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. I hope you've got her permission. :<
  2. Or they could just always do it that way. ._.;;
  3. What's so rare about old trees? ._.
  4. But we'll let this count. (; On the other hand I see two sigs that might not do it. :<
  5. Keep Your Country Clean
  6. » Pat

    Helllo fRO

    Some people are. But don't worry, you'll make friends soon. (; Enjoy your stay! :D
  7. I'll get that one, just without the ugly case. Mine's black with orange lights. :< Lookitdis, http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?aut...m=11&y=2008 Imagine the blue was orange. :<
  8. Thought so. :>
  9. I'd say yes, how do you think about it?

  10. » Pat

    Damage During WoE

    I've got no idea of ( RO ) server developement so excuse this mistake. An @command could do just fine as well.
  11. You're quotable!
  12. » Pat

    Damage During WoE

    You answered your own question. ._.; It's absolutely impossible to choose any strategy if you can't even see if it works. E.g. You're a Archer class and wear Immaterial arrows. Those can be a big advantage if your enemy uses GR. But if he / she doesn't, you're damage will be ridicolous. Also, how could you know which tatic to use? For many classes coma is a big part of their tactic, if not the only thing they can attack with. I think it's quite obvious, I'm speaking from the point of view of a gypsy so let me give an example. You fight a LK. So if that LK wears Usakoring, you need a very fast spam + the right element + high damage. If he wears Usakoring, you can either try to get rid of his shield ( which is close to impossible during WoE ) or coma him. So how could you distinguis which shield he's wearing? Maybe he wears double devis and since you don't see your damage, you try to coma him, ignoring a big chance to kill him. Maybe he wears GTB & has FCP and you Tarot the hell outt'a him without any result. I think you get my point. However, it would be awesome to have a command like /effect, which could be /damage or /dmg or something, that just toggles damage off or on. :<. I hate walls of text. ):.
  13. » Pat

    Damage During WoE

    I'm sorry but I have to disagree. :/
  14. I rated you 5. :>

  15. Miss you too. <3333333

  16. That's so photoshopped. ._.;
  17. » Pat


    Gang Bang? :/
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