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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. you're2cool4school.(:

  2. ^
  3. Someone sent me this pic, Some people I know have really 'stalky' tendencies.
  4. I know, I know & it's awesome. But isn't it... his mother? ._.;

  5. 'Like a son to her mother'


  6. Idk. I found some photobuckets via Google picture search but I've closed them. I wonder why photobucket takes out racial pictures but barely any pornographic. ]:
  7. People... I beg you... use a password for your photobucket & shit. ]:. Sometimes I'd be much better off seeing the site that says ' Log into a private Photoalbum ' and just being too lazy to open NavNet or something than actually finding all your dirty secrets and shit. :| Tyvm. <3
  8. Well there might be photos soon, once I get the new phone but vent won't be possible. At least not in near futur. ]:.

  9. It tastes horrible & makes your whole respiratory tract feel as if you were inhaling turpentine. Capsaicin? No problem. Essential oils? Nothx. ]:
  10. Didn't Tira sprite them...?
  11. You seem strangely familiar. :<
  12. So i herd users cant reply in d farewell sexion is dat tru?

  13. I'll try... ]:. &idkaboutcoupons.]:.
  14. And I bet your friend would have wanted his death posted on an internet forum where people are commenting it which of he did not even know they existed. I'm sorry but I'm a little prejudiced concerning threads like this one. However, my sincerest condolences.
  15. Give me something, I wanna be

    Retro glamour, hollywood, yes we live for the

    Fame, doin' it for the fame

    'cause we wanna live the life

    Of the rich and famous

    Fame, doin' it for the fame

    'cause we gotta taste for champagne

    And endless fortune!

  16. I think you forgot our Anti-Hayley guild had a lot more members than your pro-hayley one. (:< WHEKEKEKEKEKEKEK
  17. Lady Gaga - Disco Heaven. (:<3
  18. Well I can only evaluate what I'm seeing right now & right now they seem OP.
  19. Of course but skills reducing your max HP? o_o; Ouch.
  20. eh u sinx u nub cuz u sb n edp la~~~~~~^^ 2lazy2writeaparagraph I guess you get my point... duh...
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