Most people have of Nostradamus, the famous sixteenth-century Seer and psychologically belongs. But there are many other less well known charectors through out history, the long path Fußdruck in their Pursuit of wisdom and understanding of the hidden worlds added. The following are a list of some of the most famous men and women, but there are many others not so well-known names coming back through history.
Alice Castle Wall (1880-1949) was an English mental, in automatic writing specialized. She has produced many books and articles, the information from the spirit world forward, using this Weissagungsverfahren. She has founded the opaque school, where students are aware of the mystical etheric planes could study. It was a great influence on many of the mentally, which has tried in their steps to follow.
Most likely the most influential person in modern times relative to appear, is the founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891). Madam Blavatsky has demonstrated that amazing psychic powers, and was regularly in contact with the Ascended Masters Is. She was extremely knowledgeable in the esoteric wisdom, and is most noticed for her role in bringing Eastern religion and philosophy to the Western world. She was of Russian origin and was the first internationally recognized professional mental. And has detailed her most famous book is written "The isolates from doctrine." Your letters are classic mentally and student of esoteric knowledge been taken into account.
Their lifestyle was unconventional and it is the world in the pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment traveled, and could be said of the first "hippie" to be. Its twenty years of travel they have come into contact with mystical and metaphysical traditions brought. The Theosophical Society she has founded and remains today distributes information around the world from its headquarters in the United States.
One of the most well known today, was mentally US mentally Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). While Cayce in a trance, as the state to sick people all over the world, without actually take to diagnose it, would use a procedure, have called "distance healing". Cayce had psychic ability from a very early age demonstrated. After he has recognized his talents, which he of thousands of people for guidance and help with their health problems has been contacted. Much of his treatment was changed to "Edgar Cayce on Healing documented. Cayce is also much emphasis on the importance of analysis and study dreams. His work and teaching are just as valid today as they where, as he has written, and includes information about a whole host metaphysical subjects, including Aura, automatic writing and healing interlinked. He has the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia United States was founded.
Some of the more contentious figures in the world of mental tree, where people of Aleister Crowley (1875-194) may be. Crowley is in high admiration by many occultists and his contributions to esoteric knowledge are still regarded as influential großartig held, although he is aware of the media "The evil man in the world was created." From an early age, he has an intense interest in the occult and witchcraft ritual had. He is a member of the mystical society Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has become. Where is initiating such things as would Tarockkarte and the Kabbalah and ritual magic study. After disagreements about the direction the company went, he left and is a leading international figure in the occult has become. He was also very knowledgeable Egyptian sorcery to his most notable works are "The Book of Thoth". His extensive knowledge of Egyptology, in "Thoth" deck of Tarockkartenkarten seen, yet many general and mental Tarockkartenkartenlesegeräten used.