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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. My dad...? LOL.

  2. » Pat


  3. » Pat


    fk ikr? The other thread also had like 4+ pages afaicr.
  4. It's on a kRO update. It'll be added to kRO; then we might get it but, apparently, the code is existant.
  5. » Pat


    A biscuit would help. ]:
  6. » Pat


    Yeah, I sold my Magical Pixie Dust for 10k coupons, now I'm rich! :D. Wait. I think I've dreamt that. qq. RYT IM POOR! FK. ;____;.
  7. 85% of the people reading this didn't get it.
  8. » Pat


    I can't take those Asuras anymore. Exempli gratia: John. I die from his asura even when I'm on rays, GR Tao, Usa and half his attack by being lucky and getting the right tarot card. He speed-pots, runs in, bam. Oh and he's not even full Asura so yeah. Oh&nick; LRN2RAED. Apart from that; GTB & Speedpots still phuck you.
  9. » Pat


    MTE. LOL.
  10. » Pat


    What? Didn't anybody notice it's MAC's birthday? Well it is! Happy Birthday! (: Same goes for Ms Sexy Cookies. (:
  11. We need to gang up on JD. qq.

  12. » Pat


    Actually increasing your body temperature helps fighting the virus. Viruses do hardly re-produce themselves at a high temperature and that's exactly why you get the fever and feel hot. Your body heatens up to stem the pathogens. So taking cold baths isn't really helpful. Whenever I get a fever, I keep myself warm, stay in bed, drink alot and eat lots of chilli and such. The chilli stimulates your circulatory and keeps you warm. But that's just me.
  13. Got the bow already, thanks! :D.

  14. PM me on Celerity ffs. qq.......
  15. » Pat


    I know typing in caps won't help but I was just a little frustrated at that moment. It's just that the first suggestion to boost gypsies has been made on October 19th. Now it's May and absolutely nothing has changed. This is just aweful. Oh& sorry if I sound demanding, I've just been trying to get my point across.
  16. » Pat


    Hi. Now what. I feel ignored. Like.. completely.
  17. » Pat


    Or read the whole thread before you post in it. And no. There's no way to survive a champ using speed pots and GTB. It's just not possible (devs and shit excepted). You can't even reduce the first asura with hip shaker because it's bugged and takes away 45 sp every 3 sec. Oh and you should read the description of the Valk cloak.
  19. » Pat


    This is getting seriously annoying. Even with full reducts (rays, gr, tao,usakoring and overall 260vit) I am unable to survive an asura. I feel ignored and see nothing of the balance everyone was speaking of. It took like 2 weeks to boost the sniper HP and almost a year to boost gypsy's now. This can't be that hard, can it? Thank you! </rant>
  20. k20 IGN is ~Ares~ ryt?

  22. We aren't?
  23. nick just stfu

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