The OneOnOne-Move
Can you remember the times when you could go to PvP and ask a person for a duel? Do you remember the short but all-saying sentence 'When 0 fades.'? Didn't we all enjoy a serious 1 on 1 duel? I can't remember these times anymore. As I have expirienced, PvP bacame nothing more than a huge TLMS. You get in, see 6 people standing around you and guess what happens? Damage from 6 sides. Hurray. But where will this lead?
Because of that, I have decided to start a move. This move consists of a few simple, but effective, rules.
1.) If you want a duel, ask your opponent for it.
If both parties start a duel at the same time, chances are as equal as possible. No further 'n00b' when your antagonist is lying on the ground. No further excuses like 'You got me when I was out of berries n00b'. You win, end of story. You have proven your superiority.
2.) If you see other people dueling, don't interfere.
Other people may have their serious duels exactly as you. I'm sure you wouldn't be glad if someone interferred into your fight when you are about to win nor to loose. Keep out of other's fights.
3.) No flaming.
We all know the situation. You have just dueled someone and won with glory. The fight was fair and you have yea won. But you notice that your opponent is still lying on the floor yelling something like '3h n00b i w4snt rdy!!!!!!!!!!!111!!1+1=2!!1' or the like. You have clearly won but he still won't accept that fact. Annoying, no? So do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
4.) Do not break your own rules.
In case you & your foe are stating any rules before starting the duel, (such as no whitesmith not to break the stuff or something along those lines) do not break them. You'd bring yourself into ridicule and would while breaking said rules admit you're weaker than your antagonist and therewith loose the fight.
It's so easy to keep it fair. Feel free to jump onto the OneOnOne-Move-Train. You can help to imrpove PvP.
Thank you for reading. :]
Spelling mistakes are made on purpose and belong to the text's format.