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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Levis

  1. But, I do. So, we need to replace EDP with at least a NPC.
  2. +1
  3. There are a lot of other skills that drop WS fast. And also to make it quite fair and due to experience it's appropriate to add it for both job classes.
  4. The problem is, we need something to replace EDP in order to quit PvP room, the point has been forgotten in the last posts.
  5. Happy Birthday fRO, happy birthday to me, been 5 years now playing, woah. =]
  6. I suggested to add for the Merchant class itself, so Tao is fine. Creators / WS need it, not just WS. Many arguments are based on WS, but I do know of Creator's lack of HP as well.
  7. Dex Type, and FAS / Bowling Bash. That's what the majority of stalkers are using.
  8. Full Gears: F Helm / Imperial Helm | Emperium Aurora / Skull Aurora / RoP | Balloon. No, you cannot get anymore than I already had, unless you sacrifice a lot of damage in order to put more Vit, but honestly, do they hurt so much? And if you talk about breaking armors, can't we really fcp at anytime? It is true, they have a big stock and can carry many supplies, but what's the sense when you cannot survive ? You are not even able to make use of them, because you cannot tank a lot of damage. In comparison to all the other Job classes we do have, they have the lowest HP almost, and Merchant Classes werent supposed to have low HP, they were made 'tanky', but due to all the other buffing of the other classes, they are in comparison not 'tanky' anymore. And last but not least, it's just an addition of 10%. To emphasize on how 'low' the boost is, imagine you have 200 000 HP with the Tao right now, adding 10% will only result in 20 000 HP, which is fair enough and won't overpower it directly.
  9. Yes, what the previous poster said, is totally the point of this suggestion. WS have a lot of Skills to buff theirselves in order to have a decent damage and through dispell they are almost nullified and to avoid that wearing a GTB, makes you taking more damage with a low amount of HP. And also they do not have Energy Coat, so yeah they need at least 10 - 20% more HP I have started this topic with 40% (10% more than the current effect) to give it a try and see how many supporters I can get, and as for now everybody has agreed.
  10. Surely, if that's doable. In the end it's just about to forbid using EDP, but making sure Sinx are able to use it.
  11. Levis


    PM Conqueror for Loki Seal's
  12. Well, as a WS especially having 200k HP unlike Professors & HWs who also have around 200k, BUT they have Energy Coat which gives them 30% reduction, ends as very vulnerable to Asura Strike and Focused Arrow Strike.
  13. That is not reasonable why not to boost the Pallies themselves with their own skill, and especially Pally halb shall be an own valk weapon. That was said my friend, because it feels like it's a 'weaker' version of the Odin.
  14. Levis

    S> Stuff

    I want the Azure Emp. You know my IGN, so PM me. =]
  15. Yeah, so for now 10-20% should be a good start to begin with. And as already said, it should be an own Valkyrie weapon with it's own purpose.
  16. It wouldn't hurt, and I have seen a lot of Pallies going GC Build.
  17. You cannot anymore. =]
  18. No, sorry. It has been removed very long ago.
  19. It takes less than 5 minutes, to modify the script, I suppose. Doesn't hurt anyone.
  20. At the current moment, the Tao Gunka Card, adds 30% to WS/Creators. I have been testing builds for both of these classes and PvP'd a bit and I can say you will have 180 - 220k at it's max. with full gears. Suggestion: Increase the Tao Gunka Card effect from 30% to 40%. I think that woud be enough to make sure, they survive a bit more. I have seen a lot of people requesting a HP boost for WS & Creators, so I took the initiative to make it to an active suggestion in our Forum.
  21. Excuse me, they are far better than most STR classes.
  22. Let me remind you, we are not speaking about Skills or Damage, nor about HP for now. We are trying to emphasize on the low supplies they can carry. In a long combat with a Sniper where it comes about shooting, a GS cannot sustain for long, because they are not able to carry as much supplies as a Sniper. It's about to battle someone with 200 Seeds whilst the other person can carry 300 Seeds, although both shared the same attitudes before the Valkyrie and Elite Weapons.
  23. Did you know that Tao Gunka increase 50% HP for Stalker & Sniper, while it doesnt for Gunslingers? Did you know that the Valks of Sniper and Stalker have EWL lvl 10? And did you know that they made Stalker & Sniper weapons one handed? Same factors as Sniper & Stalker, only they dont get a HP Boost nor EWL lvl 10. It's more like, our server decided to make Snipers & Stalkers more tanky and GS more glass canon's, else they'd be pretty much the same without all the boosts for Snipers and Stalkers.
  24. It is a very old Drop from 2007. It goes for Upper and Mid Headgear. So my suggestion is to make it just as an upper headgear, because I would like to wear some Mid Headgear alongside. The Solar Helm of God has no special effect, so it wouldnt affect the gameplay. I need many +1's!
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