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About BK-201

BK-201's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. If you read my post, I said I agree with adding new rewards(but I also have no idea what items to add as a reward). What i dont like is buffing sacred wings and adding emp aura.
  2. Most players nowadays are not interested in laddering. One of the reasons is that old players ( NEW PLAYERS CAN'T WIN the PVP LADDER and pvp ladder is dominated by almost the same person every week) have alot of Sacred wings and RAWS.In addition, the price of pvp tokens were decreased by half as a result of inflow of pvp tokens every week. Players think that it doesn't make sense to ladder anymore if you already have wings of your choice or you have wings of different colors. I would suggest to have a new pvp ladder reward rather than boosting the effects of sacred wings or adding emperium aura as reward in winning the pvp ladder. This is just my opinion feel free to disagree with me.
  3. -1 I disagree. Just like what the others said, increasing the chance of castle drops(Imperial V.helm,E.Aura and E.Wings) will not help new players. Why? Most guild leaders either keep the drops for themselves or just give them to their close in game friends and it goes without saying that rich become richer. This is based on my experience. I remember being loyal/active/geared to a guild but i have never been given any castle drops though our guild can successfully defend castle for the entire woe. I left the guild and join my irl friends' guild(4 members including me) which is a good decision in my part since i got my first castle drops(emp) in my friends guild.
  4. I killed it once today and it dropped hero's remains. it seems that luck is not on your side.LOL
  5. can any one give me a clue on what to with this hint about the runes. I tried typing "Tree on which none know from what roots it rises" but still the answer is incorrect.
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