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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ScarletDevilmoon

  1. I believe he is usually staring onto your kitty signature bishop which makes him unfocused cuz of their cuteness <3
  2. Bishop stop scaring the poor guy's screen >:3 He can't play cuz of your kindness >:)
  3. Swim in a pool of hot chocolate :D, I should do that when in snows =w= Being burnt or being shocked
  4. Umm....Amicable wrong thing this is TPBM not this or that xD TPBM is confused
  5. Granted, but the contacts were jammed into your eyes that you couldn't closed them I wish for kitty :p
  6. Australian accent Stalking GMs without them noticing or chasing them down one by one X3
  7. Yush :3 TPBM is a Fantasia fan :D
  8. Attention all members I'm thinking about a plan to know who usually on Fro at what time so plz post below what time your usually on :3 even the GMs so I can enter their events :)
  9. Granted, but you took the wrong medicine which labeled the ill pill, and got worst :3 I wish for what I was thinking to wish about :D!!!!!
  10. Granted, but you changed your mind and you wished for a corrupted wish I wish I was small enough to pickpocket people >:)
  11. Linda to not leave or Linda to not leave at all :D
  12. I can try playing MW2 but ill shoot anything that moves or every random places with no target around :D
  13. OH we had to do a SS on last Friday but it didn't work cuz of server lag D: So I wanna see what time I can be on so well all can do SS But if we all can't be on same time ill do morning and night time pics :)
  14. Welcome to the server, hope you make lots of new friends :3
  15. he Whose stronger An army of porings or Thanatos
  16. Don't worry I can give you time to study the server and a gm :3
  17. Granted, but was for half a sec while flying a fell from and high height I wish for Oreos :3
  18. Fantasia I believe that color is yellow or purple or teal :3 And greencrystal yesh you can be a candidate :p
  19. Granted, but you didn't have any food to eat :3 I wish that I can camoflague onto a gm :p
  20. Only left is your side of dawn :3
  21. 1456
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6I6ebwDJ6E
  23. Granted, but it was a really old one that didn't work I wish for the control of Verazilla >:)
  24. Scarlet cuz it's em ;3 GM or poring
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