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Forsaken Nobel
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ScarletDevilmoon last won the day on October 30 2013

ScarletDevilmoon had the most liked content!

About ScarletDevilmoon

  • Birthday 05/09/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    In a place where the GMs can't find me :3
  • Interests
    Eating my snacks, poking people randomly,hanging out with friends, drinking coffee, helping others and stealing people food ' w ' And best of all "Stalking GMs" :D !!!!

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  • Guild
    GM Fan Club<3

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ScarletDevilmoon's Achievements


Legend (7/10)



  1. I guess I'm shutting down the guild and giving up on fro, haven't played in months so anyways bye everyone it was it fun being in Fro but there nothing else to do cya everyone. I'll miss you all. ' u ; take care!!
  2. Ima redownload again and see if it works >~<
  3. "Reply from bytes=32 TTL= 50" is what it said But if ur saying that command would fix it then no.
  4. Yes I still get this issue. D:!!
  5. I don't know why, but after an hour it keeps saying "attempting to connect to server" and several times,but for any other game I play there is no problem, so any help for this stalker to return to Fro * ^ *!? Note: there is no problem with meh firewall or internet.
  6. O 3 o I like pi
  7. Rawr ' < ' o
  8. . . . . . . . BOO o wo!!!!!!!!!!
  9. ( Y ) ( ' ^ ') o C(") (")
  10. (´・ω・)ノ.・゚*。・.・゚*。・.・゚*。・ヽ(゚Д゚„)ノ
  11. ( `Д´)ノ)`ν゜)
  12. Whoosh magic! ヽ( ゚ヮ゚)ノ.・゚*。・+☆┻━┻
  13. Well we can try bringing this guild alive again if it works :3
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