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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Good luck to all aplicants! Looking forward to see new faces in our staff <3
  2. Skye

    Make Sure You...

    Good! :D I will
  3. Don't get me wrong, it's obviously not an excuse, but for some players the activity tokens are important. I totally support that someone runing away from the fight is wrong. But I don't think taking the EDP effect out is a solution for everybody. Though I don't really see any other solution for this :/
  4. Skye

    Hunger Games

    I agreeee, Catching Fire is the best one from the trilogy :') I'm so in love with all the characters. IJUSTCAN'TWAIT.
  5. I see your point, EDP before getting killed means no kills for you.. Some players do that BUT, some players EDP so they don't have to log off and lose the time for the activity tokens (correct me if I'm wrong) Activity tokens are really important for some, so as PvP, and having to log off will mean +1 hour to get 1 activity token, and letting somebody kill you will mean +1 death to you. I see in which ways removing the EDP effect inside PvP Room for other jobs will be better. But in other ways its just unfavorable. In my opinion.. it's not a very good idea
  6. Skye

    Hunger Games

    its a very complex book indeed, so for you to understand the begining and well, all of it xD you should read it first, has a lot of action and tons of amazing things :') I fell in love with it <3
  7. Skye

    Hunger Games

    Nothing like battle royale. I watched it :'3 I waited so long for this! Read all the books. Can't wait for the other 2 movies, its amazing, GO WATCH IT!
  8. Amazing! Thank you all for your hard work :D
  9. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-zRAQmKUkI&list=UUpivUfpiim43qRLpOXtDugg&feature=plcp Oh Hyuna ♥
  10. Guys, be VERY careful with this! Non of these sites are real, like Pulse said. Most of them are a way to get your log-in info, and I'm sure that's not what you guys want. So please don't fall for this. So if someones broadcast this websites telling people to go in, please make a ticket and put a screenshot that shows the broadcast. This actions are punished, so don't try to do it
  11. Skye

    The Avengers

    I don't know but I'm obsesed with the movie! CANT WAIT FOR IT TO BE OUt ;W;
  12. Try to reset look on control panel, repatch and try to log in again :) edit: well yeah, what Ryuk said, heh
  13. To farm it you must wear the card Li Me Mang Ryang / Jing Guai and everytime you kill an Angel type monster you will get 1 Box of Sunlight! :D
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