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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Echo

  1. Hi there Tyron ! Welcome to the server, hope you have a great time! If you have any question about the server, feel free to pm me in game, or message me here. See you soon !!
  2. This has been recently removed. Personally, I like the way it is now. So its a surprise who you will see inside when you come in. For now... I disagree.
  3. Weekdays is back on :( workload once again!

  4. Echo


    Could it be your computer? In short. Slow old laptop/pc.
  5. - Try turning off your anti virus. - Run the patcher. - Then move then patcher to a usb stick for future use.
  6. Thanks supream. Problem solved.
  7. Hey there ! Welcome back ! Be sure to check out the updates to know what you've missed out :]
  8. Hey there! Welcome! If you have any questions about the server feel free to message me and other GMs. Hope you like the server! See you soon!
  9. Sooo much work to do. OMG q_q!

  10. Hey, have you downloaded the All-In-One installer from our website? Click if you haven't.
  11. Echo


    HI there! Welcome! If you need any assistance or you have a question, feel free to message me :)
  12. Hey there! I love your IGN! :D Welcome to the server and hope to see you soon!
  13. Welcome sir! Hope you like our server~ If you have any question about the server, feel free to message me. :)
  14. Echo

    This Or That?

    Lollipop :) Samsung or iPhone
  15. Echo

    Count To 3000

  16. Echo

    Count To 3000

  17. Hey Raymond! Welcome to the forum! Hope you like the game once you got the game working! :)
  18. Hey welcome! Hope you like the server :)
  19. Welcome Bengalf! If you have any question about the server feel free to message me here or in-game :) Happy gaming! Echo,
  20. Hey! Welcome back! If you have any question concerning the server, feel free to ask me or any other GMs. See you soon!
  21. Hey, welcome to our forum! If you need help or such just give me a pm or message in-game! Glad to see you enjoying your game experience with us! See you soon!
  22. I'm so hungry, I could eat a dinosaur leg.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drunk


      Well, even a hobo can afford to eat at Mcdonalds... O,o

    3. masterneil


      lol no money? in my place mcd is only 5 thousand my state money, and its only 1/2 US dolar for the burger lol..

    4. Shino


      Why not cook something? :D

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