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Everything posted by bentennyson

  1. D: i want halloween map Q.Q

  2. D: i want halloween map Q.Q

  3. anybody want :3
  4. so we all agree to bring this card back XD!!!!.....
  5. i think Laura have the card i saw on her pally once it give HP boost............
  6. i agree.....GM should bring the card back to this server... sight! <3
  7. i kinda forgot the card effect.....but i do know someone in the server have that card and the card effectisvery cool trust mei seen it!!!
  8. hye guys y not bring back the dragon keeper mvp?
  9. Owesome update i tell my fren about this :3 mybe he will like to join us so im gonna help FRO to get more online player :3 nice update good job!
  10. Welcome back!
  11. happy birthday FRO :D!!!!! oh btw great update :) <3
  12. Happy birthday FRO ;3 <3!!!
  13. Stop the foat rate >_>
  14. let make fro have king and queen ^_^
  15. 77
  16. dont change the belt weight plz D<!!! hard to pvp i can carry only 100 seed that weight destroy my stat
  17. I agree 300 weight each belt.... my GS can carry like 200 of seed but went the update i can only carry like omg 120
  18. fhelm avery year or wing?
  19. atleast it free @_@?
  20. hello guy im selling mah rose @_@
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